Chapter Sixteen

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Kale sets me down on a black fluffy bed in a room with white walls and a black carpet.

Kale sits down next to me, "Skyler I thought you were dead. Tell me what happened."

I sigh, "Well after you left me at the park alone I was kidnapped by another wolf."

"I guessed that part."

He raises his eyebrow, "Why have you been blocking me from connecting minds with you?"

"I'm not. I was bit again."

"By who?" Kale asks grabbing a hold of my shoulders roughly.

"His name was Chris." I say biting my lip.

"Only an Alpha's bite can mind link people. Can you speak to him now?" Kale asks after he lets me go.

I nod, "I can hear him in the back of my head. I've learned to block him out though."

"What is he saying?"

"He is mostly saying I'm dead and that he will find me." I shrug.

"I'm sorry." 

I turn and look at Kale, "For what?"

"I shouldn't have left you at that park." He says looking down.

I roll my eyes, "I don't care. It was a great learning experience."

He looks up smiling weakly, "You want to get some food from downstairs?"

I laugh, "I should probably put some pants on first."

He smiles and stands up, "That might be a good idea."

He runs over to a closet and he opens it up. He searches through it a bit before pulling out some black baggy basketball shorts.

He tosses them at me and I throw them on. I stand up and I tie the string so they don't fall down.

 He smiles, "Come on lets go."

I follow behind him closely out of the room. I fix my hair as we wake our way down a large staircase. This house is huge! People stare or they glance over trying not to be rude. I'm guessing they know who I am or I smell hardcore of mutt.

'I'm gonna kill you!' Chris says making me roll my eyes.

'Leave me alone.' 

"So what do you want?" Kale says stepping into the kitchen.

"A normal life." I mutter stepping into the kitchen.

Kale rolls his eyes and pulls open the fridge, "Take a seat at the table, I'll make you a buffet."

I smile and I sit down, I haven't had a buffet in almost a year and a half.

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