Chapter Twenty

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I sit there for almost three hours talking to them before Kale tells me they have to go, something about a pack meeting. I wave them goodbye and I sprawl out on the couch. 

'Do you have a pack?' I ask Chris.

'Why? Do you want to join?' He laughs, 'Because I can make that happen.'

'Just curious.' I shrug even though he can't see it.

'You should come home to me. I promise I won't put you back in the basement.'

I sigh, 'As flattering as that offer is I rather stay here.'

'Why would you want to even be with Kale? He made no effort to find you after I kidnapped you."

I laugh, 'Yeah but he didn't kidnap me. You did.'

He laughs, 'That's true. You do have a good point there.'

I block him out after that. That tiny conversation was enough to calm my urge to run to him. He does have a point though. I rescued myself, Kale didn't rescue me.

I stand up and I sigh. I don't want to be here anymore but Kale knows where I live. I have to find a new home.

God, why am I so manic?

I yawn and I lie back down on the couch. I'll leave after a quick nap.

I close my eyes and I listen to the chaos of this house. A couple of minutes later I'm fast asleep dreaming about my home back before my parents knew I was a wolf.

Sometime later I feel someone's hands slip under my back. I get picked up which makes me grip onto whoever this is tightly before falling back asleep.

I wake up once more sometime later when I feel something hot on my neck. I turn around and I smile. Kale looks so peaceful when he is sleeping. I turn back around and I push myself farther into Kale. He is a master at cuddling and his body is so welcoming.

After a couple of minutes of just lying there with my eyes closed, I feel the bed shift. A moment later I feel a pair of lips on my forehead. I feel the bed shift again and moments later I hear the door open and close.

I sigh, how could I leave all this?

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