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"FUCKING PERVERT!" I cursed him in a ear-piercing shriek, and dropped to the floor out of complete sight.

I could hear him across my window making random noises.

It was Jin. What was he doing over there?! Why now??

I crawled on the floor to the window and stood up beside the window out of view, closing the window and blinds skillfully. Why were they even open?

I let out an annoyed grunt as I yanked my clothes off the ground.

Officially, I was irritated. 

Throughout the whole 20 minutes of sitting on my floor in thought, I was planning ways to confront him. Different ways of scolding or hitting.

Eventually, I dressed into my vintage gray band t-shirt that covered my butt. It really went well with the black leggings I wore. After the leggings were practically hugging my skin everywhere, I slid casual plush socks onto my feet that went up to my ankles, covering just the rim of the leggings. 

Once I finished getting dressed, I straightened my now dry hair and curled my see-through bangs. Then, I put my casual small hoop earrings in. I felt stylish in  my house, not out.

"DAD!" I yelled out, leaving my bedroom to head downstairs.

"What is it?" He asked once I got to the bottom of the staircase.

"Did you open my window?"

"...Yes.... Why, what's wrong?"

"You do know that the neighbor's window is RIGHT across from mine, don't you?" I glared.

"Oh, I didn't know, sorry. Did something happen?" He sat up more, growing concerned.

"No." I glanced away from his eyes, "I just don't like my windows open......."

"Alright, I won't do it again." He chuckled, going back to typing on his laptop.

I clenched my jaw, feeling the urge to do something and not sit around.

...That's it, I'm going next door.

"I'll be back in a second." He nodded and watched me get up.

My feet carried me to the front door where I had put my bamboo cork slides. I pulled my socks off and shoved my feet into the sandal-like shoes before leaving the house.

I marched across the yard, feeling the sunlight almost blinding me and the hot wind brushing through my black hair.

My knuckles hit Hoseok's front door repeatedly until I heard someone call out that they were on there way. Moments later, Hoseok opened the front door with warm tinted cheeks.

"H-hi." He smiled weirdly.

"What the hell?" I squinted my eyes at him.

"Okay, sorry, come in." He moved aside and watched me step into the house.

"What's wrong?" I turned around and scoffed.


"Sorry, sorry, that was a dumb question. Come upstairs." I rolled my eyes and followed him up the stairs.

Hoseok lead me into a bedroom which I had assumed was his, considering my window was seen from his window. I sat down on his bed instantly and crossed my ankles.

"He didn't actually see you, did he?" Hoseok asked.

"No, Hoseok, he only saw the window. Nothing inside."

I looked over at his window, seeing a desk set up in front with a pink flip phone set onto it. My blood was boiling. Even if it was an accident, he didn't stop staring! He's such a hypocrite.

"I'll bring him to apologize." I stared at the phone, not caring that Hoseok left the room.

Only a few minutes later, Hoseok returned with Jin behind him.

My eyes flashed to Jin's eyes. Yet, his eyes seemed to trail to my chest instead of my face.

"You're a pervert and a hypocrite!" I got up, reading to start an argument.

"Sit!" Hoseok ordered. 

I clenched my jaw, returning to the bed to sit. After crossing my legs and arms, I began listening. Or waiting, I should say.

"I apologize for looking when I knew I shouldn't have." Jin folded his hands together and bowed a full 90 degrees.

"Then stop looking at my boobs! I'm not dumb!"

Jin blinked, trying to focus on my eyes this time.

"Ah, seriously hyung.." Hoseok muttered, rubbing the temple of his forehead.

"And you're the one telling ME to respect YOUR privacy." I tisked him, lowkey shaming him like a mother.

"I'm sorry. I was just irritated yesterday. I didn't mean it."


"If you hate me, I understand. I can go if you want and won't ever talk to you."

"...I don't hate anyone." A frown grew on my face, "I'm just pissed."


"I hope we can be friends in the future, I won't even disrespect you again." He bowed again, his hair flipping as he stood up straight again.

"Maybe." A smile appeared on my face, "Don't hold your breath though."

His smile died as I stood up, walking past him to return to my house. I was only in the living room when Hoseok stopped me.

"We can hang out if you want?" Hoseok asked, trying to lighten up the gloomy mood.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." He smiled.

"What are we doing then?"

"We can.. Umm.. Watch TV and play games?" He suggested, smiling even wider.

"Okay." I shrugged.

"Make yourself comfy!" He ran off into the abyss AKA upstairs.

I flopped myself onto the couch and sighed, yawning like 2 seconds later. Someone started skipping down the steps so I assumed it was Hoseok.

"That was quick." I groaned, stretched on the couch with my face in the cushions.

"What?" I looked up to see Jin standing by the coffee table.

"Oh, it's you." I raised an eyebrow.

"Can I sit down?"

"I don't care." I sat up, curling up on the other half of the couch.

He slumped down into the other corner of the couch, awkwardly trying to get comfortable.

"I'VE RETURNED!" Hoseok shrieked, skipped the last 2 steps of the stairs.

He skid into the living room and laughed loudly. He only changed into a sleeveless white shirt and red basketball short.

Meanwhile, Jin was wearing a beige hoodie and black skinny jeans with knee rips.

"Aren't you hot?" I looked over at Jin, confused by his style.

"Yes, I am." He fluttered his eyelashes, boasting his looks.

"Funny." I lowered my eyebrows, showing him I wasn't amused.

"Heheh...." He chuckled quietly then cleared his throat.

"Aren't you, Iyagi?" Hoseok asked, sitting between Jin and I.

I uncurled, sitting normally this time.

"No? They're just leggings." I looked down at my legs, if I stretched my legs, you could see my skin faintly through the fabric.

"Oh........." He trailed off, not really paying attention as he turned on the TV.

"How about a video game?" 

"Yeah sure, we can take turns."

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