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[Last week]

"Look at the stars, Iyagi." Jin nudged me.

I stopped in my tracks, looking up at the dark blue sky lit up with bright speckles.

"Yeah, looks nice." I replied.

Jin's pinky finger entangled with mine out of nowhere. I flinched, looking over at him in surprise.

He remained still, continuing to stare at the stars as if he were dazzled by the view--so much that he didn't realize his own actions.

"Aren't you glad?"

"Hm?" I hummed, not understanding the question since I was still shook by his finger around my finger.

"That you're graduating? I felt so much weight fly away from my-- amazing by the way-- shoulders. It's a nice feeling that I wish I could live again." He sighed with a relaxed look.

"I guess so." I shrugged, "I'm not excited, I've always expected this so it's not a surprise."

"Where do you want to go for your celebration?"

"What do you mean? Me, you, and the boys?"

"No, my treat. I'll take the two of us out for any meal or trip you want for your graduation." Jin's plump lips spread into a homely smile.

"Kim Seokjin, if I'm not mistaken, I'd say you were asking me out on a date." I smirked.

His eyes lit up, either surprised by my expression or shy to be exposed by me.

"Maybe I am. You're a grown woman, don't you think you deserve it?"

"Deserve what, exactly?"

"A night out with me, Jin. Who wouldn't want to eat with this beautiful face?" He laughed.

"Haha. I can't argue with that." I rolled my eyes playfully.




"Up, up, up!" I squeezed my eyes shut even tighter, listening to my dad bust into my room with his annoyingly loud voice.

"Get out!" I groaned, pulling my blanket over my head.

"You graduate today! Don't be prissy with me!" My dad exclaimed.

"Fine, then leave. I'll get up.."

"Okay." He instantly left my room like that.

It took me 5 minutes of sitting and thinking before I actually got up, I would've stayed longer and went back to sleep if I hadn't thought of the other days where I don't have to get up early for school.. Then there's work, too.

I took my usual shower, did my eyebrows, got dressed nicely, and brushed my teeth. After I had normally gotten ready, I packed an extra bag of clothes to change into after the graduation ceremony.

"Morning, kid. Look at you, all doll'ed up." My dad smiled, sitting down for breakfast, "Hungry?"

"Yes, but I just brushed my teeth." I sighed, sitting down to be polite.

"That's okay, chug some orange juice to get rid of the minty taste."

"That's pretty gross, but okay." I drank some of the fruity drink, feeling the taste ruining all healthy feelings running through me. In the end, the orange juice tasted normal.

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