A toxic rainbow, have you ever heard of such? her name was payton, however even she knew Payton was a name unfitting of her, for it did not portray everything that she was and was not accurately. So she went by the name ramona. To her family payton and her friends ramona, to me she was always paymona. Paymona. Paymona. Paymona. Pay-moan-uh. When i first met her she was bald. When i first recognized my love for her, she had short, curly, mint- green hair. I loved that hair, but she always kept it covered, covered like her heart, covered like her untouchable potential, covered like my love for her.
However, despite my love for her, i knew i could never be with her, for she had sunken lower than i, for she was the demon that ripped me from grace. She was the reason for my falling. My natural high combined with her manufactured one never interlocked well, being that her drugs always overpowered what little my presence could supply. Her drugs clouded her thoughts. Her drugs interfered with my loving her. Paymona. Paymona. Paymona. Pay-moan-uh. She was a part of my natural high. She was the part i knew would end my falling, because i would crash and collide with the low point that she had already met and was well acquainted with.