PART 1: Erik Walter and the three legged table

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"Hey Veronica" Sophie McKenna plopped down her lunch tray in front of the brunette beauty.

"Hello Sophia" Veronica responded paying little attention to the wanna be blonde.

Veronica's table (as most called it) consisted of the most popular and cutest girls you have ever laid your eyes on. These being Veronica Syvova smart and vain, Sindy Alexander innocent and soft, Sophia McKenna preppy and rich, Kristin Flor athletic and low key gay, and the most hated of all Florida Reign who no one knew why she sat with them.

"How many times do I have to say to call me Sophie and not by my mother's name" Sophia shoved a spoonful of lettuce into her mouth.

"You wouldn't have to kept mentioning it if you accept the fact I will never call you Sophie" Veronica examined her bare nails.

"Fine whatever" Sophia puffed out some air.

"Whew wrestling tryouts were hectic" Kristin Flor sighed out as she tossed her adidas sports bag on the floor beside her.

"Hey ladies. Finally you're using the bag I gave you for your birthday last month Kristin" Sindy smiled and took her usual seat by the right of Veronica. Oh how so many wish to be in her position.

"Yeah my old one gave up yesterday when I was playing soccer with Jordy" Kristin tried to make it sound all lovey dovey but it just came out forced. Come one Kristin we all know you're gay and you're using Jordan to hide your secret.

"It was a nauseating green anyways don't be too upset" Florida Reign the last of the clique has arrived.

"Now that we are all here I should tell you all about my breakup with the one and only Albert Yu" Veronica stood so their gazed landed on her and along with the whole student body. She could be dramatic when it came to news about her. Who am I kidding she was always dramatic.

"Finally" Her whole group rolled their eyes. No one knew why Albert Yu and Veronica dated especially for as long as one year. He was literally two feet shorter than her and was an awkward weirdo. However Veronica had dated him for his hacking techniques and free homework offers. Everyone seemed oblivious to that rumor even if it was true.

"Speaking about relationships I'm eyeing Erik Walter junior varsity football player" There goes Sophia trying so hard to drift the attention towards her.

All their eyes shifted to the laughing blonde at the end of Sophia's finger. Veronica thought he was cute and when she talked to him once before in the beginning of freshman year he was highly intelligent.

Veronica who was still standing turned her body towards this boy and called out his name. The cafeteria froze in a instant as a short girl dropped a pencil and cried out a sorry before running out of the building.

"Erik why don't you come sit with us and bring ONE of your friends with you" Veronica emphasized the word one. Erik acting all high and mighty picked up his tray, nodded towards his red head friend and made his way to the most wanted table in all of Royal High.

Once he arrived, Veronica patted the chair to her left which used to belong to Albert Yu since he WAS her boyfriend and all. Sophia frowned when he gladly sat down and the red head sat right next to her.

No one moved, Erik Walter had just snagged the spot next to Veronica Syvova the queen of all queens. The most wanted seat of all girls was the spot to the right of Veronica which indicted her bestfriend and all boys wanted the left seat which was known for being Veronica's boyfriend.

Any girl that sat at that table were never allowed to just invite anyone even their boyfriends because Veronica was so big on territory. So Veronica inviting anyone at all was such a huge deal and will indeed gain Erik and his friend a huge step on the social ladder.

"Veri can I speak to you?" Sophia spoke through clenched teeth.

"No and don't call me Veri again or I'll end you" Veronica simply said with no hesitation. That nickname was only reserved for her loving parents and childhood best friend, Sindy.

"Well fine if you don't want to talk alone then I'll just say it in front of everyone. Why the hell would you invite people you don't even know to our table?" Sophia slammed her hands against the wooden table, fuming.

"Well you should know that if I have any romantic desires for anyone they sit on my left side." Veronica was bored with the topic while everyone was eager about a fight between the most worshipped squad.

"Romantic desires?" Erik smirked with a deep sexy voice that made Veronica go wide eyed. Puberty definitely punched him in the face.

"Great to know you know what it means" Sindy whispered furiously clearly jealous.

"What about this red head?" Sophie waved a hand at the boy sitting beside her. He went as red as his hair.

"He will leave soon unless anyone here shows him some type of interest" Veronica started to peel the orange she had sitting on her plate.

"I think his cute, Can we keep him?" Sindy smiled, she was pretty sure she could use him to make Veronica jealous.

"There it's settled" Veronica popped a slice of orange in her mouth.

Everyone shuffled out of their seats right when the bell rang. But before they could get over the excitement of the whole fiasco, Veronica turned to Sophia just to say one last thing.

"Sophia since you were so concerned over my opinion you can sit by the trash can from now on" Everyone stood still even the kids who always made it early to class stopped just to see Sophia's reaction.

Those who sat at the broken table by the trash can were those who disrespected Veronica. It got too big to the point the janitors had to drag another rusting table beside the one with three legs. It was barely the beginning of sophomore year and she had already sent five people now six if you include Sophia.

"Fine but you'll totally regret it" Sophie picked up her hot pink school bag and walked away slowly.

"Why? You can't do anything that will destroy me. I don't care about popularity or image." Veronica shoved her shoulder into Sophia's as she walked by. Oh but she did care but will NEVER show it.

"Darn it" Veronica's bat like hearing picked up Sophia's failure.

How adorable.

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