PART 33: Gotta be quick

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  "Fuck" Sophia sniffed as she rubbed gunk off her arms.

  There was twigs tangled in her hair, rocks in her pants, and leaves in her mouth. She swears she has a fly buzzing in her ear. OUCH. Nope it's a mosquito.

  "Why the fuck do I put myself through this?" She groaned and gripped onto the soft earth in order to push herself off the ground.

  Once she stood she stepped only once then fell face first into a pile of muck.

  She looked up to a sign that said 'Watch out, QUICK SAND'.

  "You have to be fucking kidding me right now!" Sophia groaned and began searching for her phone as she slowly sunk.

  With no sign of any electronic device, she whimpered. Ryan has to show up soon. He always did.

  After 2 minutes of waiting because she was that impatient she tried slipping out the squishy surface by gripping onto a tree trunk.

  Ryan won't be showing up any time soon so she had to work her way out of this herself.

   10 minutes of crying and pulling she was free. Except her Gucci sandals that disappeared along with her dignity. Oh wait that was gone long ago when she started this plan.

   Each step she took to get out of the woods angered her as she was 100% lost. It was already dark out and she really needed to find shelter before an animal eats her for dinner.

  Sophia spots a pretty large tree that seems easy to climb and will keep her safe from the larger mammals below. So much for being on the top of the food chain. She had no survival skills but knowing how to hide from her cousins when she would ruin their video games on a dare.

  Climbing trees became her speciality until she missed a step and pummeled 10 feet into a pile of dirt.

  How lucky was she to have her head hit the largest rock in the world? She let the darkness overtake her as she gave up on trying to take over Veronica Syvova.


  "I FUCKING HATE DRILL!" Florida screamed as she held one of Rodney's blue converse.

  "Look we'll find him and make sure that dumb bitch of a teacher gets fired"  Sindy rubbed Florida's back as she was hyperventilating.

  "I'm tracking Rodney's movements it seems they're heading to the Canadian border but there's a traffic jam. They'll be there for hours" Kristin typed away on her computer.

  "I'll send one of my jets to retrieve him. I'll make sure Drill is sent to jail for kidnapping" Veronica circled the living room with a phone in her hand.

  After 10 minutes of everyone trying to find a way to get Rodney Veronica slammed her phone onto the floor.

  "FUCK!!" she groaned and began to stomp on the device.

  "Woah what's wrong Veronica?" Kristin held Veronica's arms and kicked the phone away before it could be further abused.

  "Well they found them" Veronica said slowly choosing her words wisely.

  "And?" Florida ran forward and glistened with hope.

  "Drill jumped off a bridge" Veronica closed her eyes trying to control herself.

  "Who cares about him! What about Rodney?" Sindy screeched way too loudly.

  "Drill jumped off the bridge... -she took a breath- with Rodney in his arms" Kristin rushed forward as Florida fainted to the floor.

  "And?" Florida coughed up before she was fully unconscious.

  "My men couldn't retrieve them in time because of the rain but they did find a note" Veronica limped to the ground and slowly wrapped her arms around Florida. "Kristin call 911" she ordered in a soft voice.


  "Did he succeed?"

  Sophia slowly opened her eyes when she recognized the voice that spoke.


  "Yes the child and him have vanished"

  She was slightly taken aback by the unknown man who sat with Ryan.

  "Good no more little twerp getting in our way" Ryan nodded and looked back at Sophia. "Sweet cheeks, you awake?" He smiled at her and her heart melted.

  "Yeah, but my head is pounding" she scrunched up her hair between her fingers as she attempted to soothe the pain.

  "Here have some Ibuprofen but it'll make you sleepy" he handed her two pills that definitely did not look like Ibuprofen.

  But she took the pills anyway and slouched in the backseat until her sleep state returned.

  "She won't remember a thing" the unknown man winked.


  Beep. BEEP.

  Sindy and Kristin listened to the slow beeps of the machine that stood next to Florida's bed.

  Both Veronica and Florida shared a hospital room as both experience major complications with their hearts.

  Only Veronica was better and just laid resting on her side of the room. While Florida stared up at the ceiling that seemed to have interested her this past 5 hours. No one moved a inch since the news of Rodney and Drill's suicide hit their local station in less than a hour since it happened.

  Kristin was in complete shock and sat like a proper queen stuck in her own mind. Sindy held her knees and looked out the window.

  A soft click made Kristin and Sindy turn to the door. Erik walked in holding two bouquets of roses. He smiled awkwardly and placed a bouquet on Florida's food stand.

  He then walked swiftly to Veronica's side and when he reached for her hand she bursted up.

  "Erik, what are you doing here?" she blinked rapidly to adjust to the light.

  "Kristin called me" he grabbed her hand and pulled up a chair to sit beside her.

"Girls can you go?" Veronica's eyes never left Erik's as Kristin and Sindy walked out the door.

  "I'm sorry if you did-" Veronica placed a hand on his mouth and smiled.

  "Don't apologize for anything, just hold me" he spooned her as she tried to grasp reality.

  "Death to me was never a big deal. Not of my parents, not of my victims, but this one little boy has finally made me feel grief" A single tear slid off Veronica's eye as she realized what death could do to a person.

I tried to make this chapter extra long for y'all but damn does this hurt. I never thought I would do this to Rodney I swear. But he was a sweet young boy who really didn't have a future but you'll all find out why Drill did what he did.

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