PART 32: You drive me insane

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So this is a filler chapter of the events that have happened. You haven't being seeing a lot of Veronica and Erik's romance because of what was going on. This is the next day after the girls establish a plan to break into Sophia's home. Erik surprised Veronica by showing up for a quick date. Let me also say it's around 10 pm when he does this. Now that I've said that enjoy...


  "This is ridiculous Erik" Veronica giggled as Erik held her hand. How she loved his touch.

  "It's not ridiculous babe, it's tremendous" Erik paused to softly kiss her forehead. She sighed dreamingly.

  Veronica never knew this imbecile could make her heart flutter and believe there is good in the world. He was her escape from all her problems and responsibilities. The ways his lips curved into a smile when she spoke or when he would kiss her randomly without any reason.

  She had fallen and couldn't get up.

  "You're staring Veronica" Erik held her cheek and rubbed his thumb along her skin.

  Every where he touched it burned with pleasure. "I can't believe I got so lucky" Veronica closed her eyes and smiled.

  "I ask myself that everyday" he lowered his head so his lips could meet hers. It was gentle and passionate.

  Veronica had butterflies in her stomach every time he kissed her.

  "Now let's go have some fun" he grinned and grabbed her hand.

  "Freedom!" Erik screamed when on top of a cliff.

  "Oh my god Erik!" Veronica yelled along with him.
  "Come on let's jump" Erik and Veronica were in their underwear standing on a cliff that was above a lake.

  "Fine but just hold me so I don't die" Veronica wasn't actually scared, she was never scared of anything. It was just the idea of Erik holding her as they fell through the air then crashing into the water.

  "I wasn't planning on that anyways" he held her waist as they got ready to jump off.

"1...2...3!" They said together as they jumped off the cliff.

  When they splashed into the water Veronica didn't feel cold even if the water was a freezing. It was Erik's warm body that kept her steaming.

  "You spend your time with your friends a lot I never get to see my girlfriend" Erik pulled her closer. She would ditch the girls just for him but she knew she couldn't right now.

  "I know I'm sorry" she looked up with shiny eyes. Veronica Syvova just apologized... wow.

  "Don't be I just want time to hold you" he smiled as they kissed once again.

I have migraine...You take it away...

Warning: Veronica Syvova Where stories live. Discover now