PART 18: A trip to the past (1)

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Florida was 14 and full on ready for her first day of high school. With a little pink lipgloss and breakfast she was ready to walk out the door.

"Have a good day sweetie, love you" she kissed her parents goodbye and her little boy Rodney who was coloring.

She started her journey of walking to school when without knowledge she knocked into a body.

"Woah sorry I was running too fast and I couldn't see you" A girl with a high red ponytail helped pick her up.

"It's fine but why were you running?" Florida giggled.

"My friend Alex isn't in our meeting spot so I decided to run to his house" Florida heard a phone ring and the girl pulled out a silver IPhone 5s.

"K dude" she hung up and looked at Florida. "Looks like he canceled again" she signed. "I really need new friends, hey mind if I walk with you?" The green-eyed girl asked.

"I don't mind" Florida smiled. "I'm Florida" she stuck out her hand.

"Kristin it's not short for anything" she shook her hand. "I've never met someone with orange eyes before" Kristin examined her eyes.

"Yea I get told that a lot" Florida laughed.

The two girls walked talking about all their favorite things when they arrived in the halls there was a lot of whispering.

"What's happening?" Florida asked Kristin.

"I don't know" Kristin stood on her tiptoes to see over the crowd. "It's some older kid bullying a freshman" Kristin grabbed Florida's hand and pushed through the crowd.

"You think you're so smart but your nothing but a scrawny freshman" this bulky guy shoved a black haired boy into the lockers.

"You. are. flugatairrious." The boy smirked.

"What the hell is that?" The bigger guys said.

"It's not even a word dumbass" the blue orbed boy laughed.

The other guy raised his fist and was about to punch him when a blonde girl a little taller then the medium height boy went grabbed his fist.

"Ryan you need to stop messing with the seniors, Veronica is going to kill us if she sees this" The girl had a very high pinched girly voice.

"Not really kill you but punish you is more of a better term" a pretty tall girl with brown hair and light brown eyes, walked into the fiasco.

"Shit look what you did Ryan" The blondey squeaked.

"Now let us be, useless being" Veronica removed the guys fist from the blonde girl's hold.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" The senior boomed.

The girl sighed and rolled her eyes. She turned to the crowds. "To all who is listening, I am Veronica Syvova and I will be ruling your school from now on" she placed a fake sweet smile on her lips.

A senior girl walked into the circle and eyed the girl up and down. "Um yeah no, my name is Trisha Lee and I rule this school" the tall blonde bent to the brunette's level.

"Fight me for it and trust me I don't play nice" the brunette tripped her with ease and the girl toppled down.

"Um mam it's best if you don't fight this because in the end she wins" the short blonde girl whispered to the girl senior.

"Screw this" the tall guy swung his fist towards the Ryan guy but before his hand collided with the boy's jaw, who didn't seem to care about the punch coming, Veronica flipped the guy without any strain. He landed on the other girl.

"I repeat, I Veronica Syvova rule Royal High" she strutted away with the girl and boy following behind her.

"That was awesome!" Kristin fist bumped the air. Everyone started cheering.

"Florida Reign, that's a cool last name" the blonde from the morning told her. It just so happens she landed in the group with all three of them the mystery boy, the squeaky blonde, and the badass brunette.

"It seems as Sindy has taken an interest in you" Ryan said.

"He is not that nerdy trust me but it's the first day, he's actually the class clown" Sindy winked.

"Okay..." Florida dragged on.

"Can we add her? Please Veronica" so the brunette's name is Veronica.

"We should invite her to Christian Vaugh's bash party" Veronica suggested.

"Hell ya! you got us into that senior party so easily" Ryan's spirit lifted.

"So Florida Reign are you down to go to a real high school party?" Veronica tsked.

"Sure but can I invite someone?" They nodded.

"You're officially apart of the Royal High Royals" Veronica shook her hand and Florida never felt more alive.

Life is changing so quickly... Run... Run... Before it catches you...

So these parts will talk about where it all started. The title won't be the same - A trip to the past- it will change but to know it's speaking about the past it will have a - part number - (1) (2) (3)... and so on. Just so you guys don't get confused.

Warning: Veronica Syvova Where stories live. Discover now