PART 31: Fucking stalkers

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  "It's a struggle to-" Sindy shifted her attention to outside the classroom window. She swears she saw movement in the trees.

  "You saw that too?" Kristin said from in front of her.

  "It could be a bird" Sindy didn't move her eyes from the tree that waved slightly in the wind.

  "I'm going to look for any recorder near us" Kristin checked under her desk and Sindy's.

  After searching their surroundings she pulled out a recorder taped to the back of a cabinet.

  "What do you think you're doing Miss.Flor?" The substitute who didn't know about the girls place in this school raised a brow in question and anger.

  The sounds of chairs turning to look at the two was heard throughout the classroom.

  "It's none of your business" Kristin raised her top lip slightly.

  "Well I think it is" she really must be new because she walked right up to Kristin and ripped the recorder out her hands.

  "Don't you fucking dare" Kristin followed the teacher and students moved their seats so she could have room to stand in front of the newbie.

  "Would you like me to call the principal?" The teacher hid the recorder under her shirt.

  "Go ahead I would love to see you loosing your job" Kristin slammed her hands on a desk in front of the sub.

  Veronica told her not to do too much damage when teachers went against her. It would make it harder for her to remove the teacher from every system.

  "I will" the substitute grabbed the phone and put on speaker. How she was wasting her time was hilarious. She thought she was right in this situation and she wanted to gloat.

  "Hello" the principal's voice was heard.

  "Hi I'm Mrs. Harper subbing for Mrs. Petunia, I have a student giving me difficultly and recording the classroom" she smirked at Kristin thinking she won.

  "Who's the student?" the principal sounded bored.

  "Kristin Flor" she slowly stretched out her last name.

  "I'm sending someone right away" Mrs. Harper hung up the phone with a quick thank you. She smiled smugly but she didn't notice the frantic tone in the principal's voice.

  Someone barged in it was a lawyer, Veronica, and the principal.

  "Oh thank you so much for coming to remove this student out of the classroom" Veronica ignored her and walked up to Kristin.

  "Give me the recorder" Veronica stuck out her hand.

  "I don't have it" Kristin pointed her eyeballs to the sub who was smiling.

  Veronica turned to face this newbie. "The recorder" it wasn't a question it was an order.

  "My pleasure" Mrs. Harper placed the recorder in Veronica's hand.

  "God that's teacher is an idiot" a person whispered from the back.

  "Marin remove this imbecile at once. She has been recording Kristin and Sindy's conversations" Veronica ordered the lawyer who walked in with her.

  "That's invasion of privacy mam and very illegal" the lawyer grabbed her arm to pull her out.

  "Wait what? I called for Kristin being removed not me" the sub didn't budge.

  "Don't mess with Veronica Syvova or her group. You won't be getting a job anytime soon because of this" Veronica smirked as Mrs. Harper was yanked out of the classroom.

  "Okay class since we don't have a replacement for Mrs. Harper, it'll be free period till your next class" the principal announced and the class piled out.

  "Let's get Florida and meet at my place" Sindy and Kristin nodded.

  "Who's your mommy again?" Rodney's teacher asked him sweetly. However she looked crazy with her eyes wide and messy bun.

  "Florida Reign" Rodney answered with a smile.

  The teacher nodded and walked back to the door. She spoke with a man that looked just like Rodney.

  He nodded and went to grab Rodney's things. He then squatted in front of his son.

  "Hey little man it's time to go home" he patted Rodney's shoulder.

  "Okay Daddy" Rodney walked out the door hand and hand with Drill Evans.

"I'm honestly tired of all this stalking" Kristin groaned and tossed her blue Jansport backpack on the floor.

  "Me too but we don't know who's involved" Sindy tossed her baby pink backpack on top of Kristin's.

  "I told you guys we have to break into Sophia's basement" Florida placed her deep purple bag with the pile.

  "Well let's set up the plan then" Veronica was the last to throw her blood red bag with the rest.

  "On it!" Kristin began typing into a computer she made. She had blocked out any of the government to be able to watch the computer. It required a complex password to log into.

She's an idiot... He's a trader... Son is terrified...

Warning: Veronica Syvova Where stories live. Discover now