PART 3: She- WHAT?!

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  "Oh hell to the no" Florida said what was in the minds of the top crew.

  Sophia smirked as she sat on Veronica's seat. The table was full of girls no one knew the names of, some even dragging chairs just to sit at the table.

  "What cat got your tongue Veri?" Sophia tapped her nails on the just polished table.

  Everyone was angry but Veronica Syvova. She was surprisedly calm. This meant she had something up her sleeve.

  "I told you if you ever call me Veri again I will end you" Veronica tossed her tray on the table and some girls reached out just to touch it.

  The table that was known as the best table in the school was polished daily by the janitors. It included eight cushioned seats each cushion colored with the girls favorite shade. For the 3 usually empty seats were just gray and Veronica's romance seat was red. Beautiful and simply always squeaky clean no one could touch it.

  Veronica had a backup plan for when someone thought they could up step her. There was a platform at the back of the cafeteria with four marble stairs leading to it.

  It usually was used for the principal when he made announcements. It was surrounded with those red velvet clips you see before entering a hot club.

  Veronica walked towards it and her clique followed like lost puppies. She pushed a button at the top step and the most amazing thing happened.

  A beautiful dark wood rectangular table rose above the marble platform. Along with 4 chairs on each side with cushions on the back and bottom of the chair. Then 3 seats sat above the others higher and a table identical to the one with 8 seats rose to connect to the height of those 3 chairs. The gap between the bottom table and the top became covered with another dark wood plank.

  A man in a waiter suit arrived out of nowhere opening the lock that blocked Veronica's entrance. Veronica thanked the man and sat in the middle of the 3 seater.

  Erik took his stop by her left and Sindy by her right. Everyone else picked the chairs close to them.

  "Sindy do you like the ginger" Veronica gestured to the boy standing next to Sindy. Sindy nodded and Veronica pushed another button. Sindy's seat became slightly lower and another seat popped up for the ginger to take his spot.

  The student body had all their mouths agape. Watching the scenario.

  "Little Sophia McKenna thought I would cry over the table she begged her daddy to buy her but I Veronica Syvova will never stoop so low." Her voice booming through the silence.

  The girls surrounding the table slowly backed away in disgust. No one messed with a Veronica enemy.

  Sophia bit her lip so hard it started to bleed. "I hate you Veronica Syvova with all my heart" Sophia screeched her eyes turning glassy.

  "What little that is" It was all Veronica had to say when the cafeteria bursted out laughing at Sophia's embarrassment.

  "Roasted!" A senior roared out of nowhere.

  Sophia ran out of that building as fast as she could. Her skinny legs carrying her the whole way.

  No one could out due Veronica Syvova.

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