Chapter 5: Knowing More

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There had to be another reason, why he was doing this. Sure you don't mind it and it wasn't like he was in heat, least from what he told you. Sportacus took you out of his home, walking around the feeling the fresh air, it was beautiful out here. Leading you to his village, the others looked at them. It's like they were honor for being here. You didn't know, but you looked over at him and asked.

"So..are you like a celebrity here?" Sportacus only chuckled, walking pass the others.

"In a sort of way, being number 10 and all." you only at him, you noticed he was taking you in some sort of wall. He pressed his hand against it, letting the vines escape, his magic trigger something. A door seem to be in view, he pushed it through, letting you in first. The door shut behind itself, he took your hand and lead you inside.

"What is this place?" you asked. Sportacus only snap his fingers, lights began to flash. Looking around, it seem to be a museum of some sorts. Sportacus only let go of your hand and walked forward, yu began to follow him.

"It's the legacy of heroes. From the very beginning to now." it was truly an honor to even see such of this.

"Are" Sportacus only shook his head.

"From numbers 1 -7 they aren't. But my grandfather number 8 is still alive. You already know what happened to number 9." you knew, but you were at least happy to know he has some family left. You couldn't wait to meet him, if he was going to let you. Showing you all the portraits, it was interesting to say the least, when it got to number 8, he seem to be wearing a large burnt umber hat, with a navy-blue tunic, green baggy trousers, black belt around him, while his facial features were large thick blonde mustache with a matching goatee. Less from what you see from Sportacus, but he looked charming. You wonder what he looked like now. You reached your hand out, seeing number 9. You wondered what his name was, it didn't seem to have one.

"What's his name?"

"Ithro." you would remember that.

"If you say your grandfather is still alive, where he might be? I would like to meet him." Sportacus only crossed his arms over his chest, thinking.

"I would have to sent him a letter, I'm sure you will met him soon." you smiled at him, pulling him into a hug.

"It's so honor of me to be here."

"I'm glad." pulling him away from you. "We should head back, there's something I wanted to show you." you only nodded. Following him out, the vines began to close once more, yet what stopped him, was his crystal started flashing. "Someones in trouble." he looked around, he looked at you. "I'll be right back." with that he started flipping out. The elves began to follow him, leaving you alone. You knew with him being a hero this would happened, you didn't mind. Standing there with your thoughts, you looked around seeing the many wonders of the village. Small little elfs, playing, while a few of them were exercising, it made you smile even more, imagining of them like your own. It wasn't long, til you heard footsteps, hoping it was Sportacus. You turned your head, seeing another elf. He was tall, with brunette hair ruffled, his eyes were light green, you noticed a few freckles along his nose, his outfit was non other than any of the others, except it was more black tunic, with dark blue trousers.

"What's a human like you doing at a village like this?" you moved a little back, but he reached out his hand and grabbed it.

"I was invited.." feeling a little scared. The elf moved a bit closer, using his other hand against your cheek. His eyes staring into yours, he was looking for something. Leaning his head close to your ear, he took a sniff, his eyes widened,

"You're claimed." moving his head back, he only held his gripped tighter, causing you to whine.

"What..what want from me?" you knew damn well, he would be stronger than you. He pulled you close to him, his other hand wrapped around your waist,

"If you weren't claim, I would have some fun, but.." you could of sworn he growled at you, "A human like yourself, you're nothing more than a toy to us." 'Us' no you didn't believe it.

"You're wrong, 'he's' not like that." you realized you slip it a little, causing the elf before you to chuckle.

"Maybe he wouldn't mind, if I take you for myself-"

"Get your hands off of her, Asgeir!" he looked back and only moved you to the front, his hand touching your neck. He placed a small kiss to your head, before letting you go. You ran to Sportacus, pulling you behind, he only growled at the other elf. "You know better than to take someone's mate."

"Oh so this is the little human that capture the mighty hero. And I thought they were just rumors." he chuckled to himself, he was finding this amusing, he never thought.

"It still doesn't give you the right to take whats mine!" you only took, Sportacus' hand, calming him down a bit. You didn't want attention, especially being here.

"Come on, Sportacus. Just because she's claimed, doesn't mean I can-" Sportacus hand was at Asgeir throat. Asgeir only found this amusing even more.

"If I catch you anywhere near her, I will do something about it." threatening him. You only pulled Sportacus off of him the best that you could.

"Lets just go, please." Sportacus saw you were frighten, he let go of him. Asgeir only looked down at you.

"If he's not working out, my bed is always opened." you only cling onto Sportacus arm, before he walked away from the two of you. Sportacus only looked down at you, you didn't say a word.


"Who was that? How does he know you?" back at his home and on the bed. You were sitting one, Sportacus only looked out the window, his arms crossed, he was angry and you can tell. Seeing that side of him, made you frighten a little. Where was the hero you knew? There must of been a reason why he acted the way he did. He nevered answer you, getting off the bed and standing in front of him. You placed your hands onto his cheeks, making sure he was looking at you. "Please, I don't want secrets, who was he?" Sportacus sigh to himself, he walked you over to the bed. Sitting down, he pulled you onto his lap, holding you close. You can feel his heart pounding against his chest, you only looked at him.

"That was my old rival, Asgeir." He only held you tighter, this wasn't going to be happy. "Always competing against his other, always proving who was the best. Til it got to the point of who would be the next hero. He lost and he got angry with me because of my father. That day, when I would be number 10, we parted ways." you moved your hand onto his face, cupping it. He looked down at you, "I never thought he would stoop so low to this point."

"I'm sorry." you spoke, he only shook his head.

"Don't be, what he did wasn't right. He knew when someone is claimed, they should've back off."

"He mention something to me.." Sportacus moved his finger up to your lips, playing with them.

"And that might be?"

"He said humans are just toys...said that elfs like with this..true." Sportacus wished that he never said that. He only nodded, he wasn't going to lie to you.

"It's true..but it's I'm not like one of them. Yet what he was referring to, we do not do." It made him sick to the stomach to think of such things. You on the other hand, didn't care.

"It's okay, you know I won't ever leave you. You saved me." you leaned up and kissed him softly. Sportacus returned the kiss, feeling a little better than he was before. Breaking away from the kiss, he let go of you, getting up.

"Come, I wanted to show you this." with that you followed him out of the room. You never really got to look around the house, being a certain elf couldn't get his hands off of you. He opened a door, inside, you found it adorable. A little bed, a little chair, sport toys everywhere. You only looked at him and smile,

"It's so cute, Sportacus." he softly smile, feeling a blush coming onto him.

"I thought maybe..we could come back here."

"Why wouldn't we? The baby should know where it came from." he couldn't be more happier by the minute. He brought you close to him, trailing his hand down to your stomach, you only giggle. "When will we know?"

"Soon, now why don't we clean that scent off of you. Its making my nose hurt."

"Is this another excuse to have fun or are you just upset?" He picked you up and carried you to the bathroom.

"I want you."  

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