Chapter 6: Worst has Happened

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By next morning, you awoke from your bed seeing a note by your side. Reaching out and reading it, you only smiled.

Going out to get some supplies before we leave, I wish I could show you everything here, but I know you have responsibilities back at home. Just one thing I ask is, don't leave the house. I know you want to explore, but from what happened yesterday I don't want it to happen again. Hope you understand.

How sweet and thoughtful of him, indeed you wanted to explore more of this place. Yet you looked out the window, it was lightly raining, so you didn't mind a little fresh air. Getting up from the bed and changing into some fresh clothes. Wearing a nice pair of black jeans, while bringing out a light blue blouse. You put on your boots, while grabbing his coat once more. You should remind yourself to get your own coat, but using his spare was much warmer than any of the others. Placing the hood over your head, you walked down the stairs grabbing the apple that was on the table, you walked out the backdoor. Taking a bite of the apple and looking out. It was even beautiful than you could imagine. You noticed a path that lead to the back, it was only going to be a short walk. What could happened. Finishing the apple and tossing it in the trash that was next to you. You began to walk down the stone path, trees were high, the sounds of nature. It was peaceful. You didn't know how long you were walking, but you got curious and curiosus. Your crystal around your neck started to glow, it must be something if it's glowing. Up ahead you noticed something, further and further deep within the forest. Out and in the center, there was a strange pond, in the center there was a statue of woman, her hands were folded and it seems like she was sad. There didn't seem a name, but maybe there was a reason why it was far away. Yet you walked close to the water, kneeling down seeing the raindrops fall in the water. Little spirals began to form, looking at your own reflection. You kept seeing yourself and remembering the times from before. Glanni..even all the thing he did to you, he didn't deserve to die. He took you in, when no one else could. He was lonely, yet treating his own son and almost killing you out of spite. You rather have him lock up in jail. Least you knew you will always have a home with Sportacus, his mate, his love, his everything. Your thoughts were broken, when you heard a twig snap. You jumped a little, looking back at the path, you began to move. Yet you stopped, seeing the figure come out, you moved back a little. The same elf you saw before,

"You're not suppose to be here." you spoke. He only chuckled.

"And yet you aren't, you may have the lifespan as us, but you will always be a human in my eyes." he walked closer, you only backed up more, you stopped. Feeling the edge of the water, you didn't know where to go, you didn't know what this elf would do to you.

"Please leave, Sport-"

"Sportacus, this and that. I'm sick and tired of that hero." his hand flick out, magic was tingling from his fingers, you held in your breath, frighten took over your body, "He's weak, because of you." he was close, his hand hovering over your face, yet he didn't touch. He notice something glowing on your chest, he only growled a little. "You aren't worthy of this, you are no elf." reaching his hand to take it from you. You pushed him and began to run, sadly he was too quick for you. Grabbing the back of your coat, he pushed you to the ground, mud was covering your form, your hair wet, you only looked at him, seeing his eyes grew darker base of his color that were once light.

"Stop, what..what do you plan to do to me?" He stood proud and tall, his shadow hover over you. You heart was pounding against your chest, his hand moved reaching out to you, pulling you up, his hand placed against your neck, you screamed. Pain wash over you, his lips attached to yours, you couldn't move. Whatever he did to you, you couldn't feel your body, tears seem to form. His lips only curled.

"For a human, you are rather beautiful." tingling he let go of you. Body fallen to the ground, once more. Lying there on the muddy ground, you only heard his chuckling. Before he could do anything else, he moved out of the way, looking up you saw him. Anger filled the air, his growls escaping his lips, while fighting with the other elf. Asgeir only moved away from side to side.

"I warn you!"

"And yet you still haven't figure out what I did to her. Why don't you focus on her?" Sportacus had no choice, letting the elf go, he moved to your side. He was going to be mad at you, leaving the house. Why couldn't you just follow orders, tears seem to slip out, he only picked you up.

"What..did he do..please.." he search for whatever he did to you. His eyes widen, gripping the sides of you.

"The glamour you." He set you down back on the ground, moving his hand to your neck, he chanted some words as the magic appeared at your fingertips. You felt it again, pain as you screamed once more. He was done, he only picked you back up again and rushed back home. Not far, Asgeir only chuckle to himself as he was standing on one of the tree branches,

"It's only the beginning, Sportacus just because you removed it, doesn't mean you've won. We will meet again." touching his lips with his fingers. Soft and warm, he removed the magic that was on his lips, letting it go in the air.


"I can't believe you left the safety of this home!" you knew he was going to be angry.

"I'm sorry..I..just-"

"I know, but you could have waited for me-"

"What more do you want from me?!" you stopped yourself. What was coming over you, your head felt light. Holding it up, he only looked at you with concern.

"________..." he moved his hand over to yours, but what you did, you didn't know what came over you. You slapped him. Sportacus was shocked by this. Tears seem to fill your eyes as you covered your face, letting it dropped.

"I'm sorry..I..I don't..feel.." your body fell to the floor, shaking and out of control, Sportacus panic.

"I'll take care of you."


Sportacus watched as the other female elfs were taking care of you. The day he left you, he knew it was a bad idea, he moved his hand to his face, feeling the hard slap. It wasn't like you to do so. He noticed the other elf came to his side,

"Did you find anything wrong with her?" he asked. The elf nodded.

"Someone with strong magic is keeping her like this."

"I remove the glamour off of her, what more can there be?" he asked once more. The other elf went into his thinking pose. Tapping his chin, as he looked at the girl through the window.

"Kiss of betrayal..she's feeling guilty for something."

"Asgeir.." he curled his fists, the elf placed his hand on his shoulder.

"The only thing I can tell you is when she wakes up, you have to remind her that you aren't mad at her, you still love her. She is your mate, I can tell." Sportacus sigh to himself. He had to listen.


You woke up only to be kissed by him. He broke it, taking you hand,

"I'm not mad, you're my mate and you needed me the most." it was sudden, but you only felt it was right for him.

"Are you just saying this.." you spoke. Sportacus only moved his head against your neck, he nibbled at your spot. He knew your weakness as you let out a soft gasp,

"I never lie, you know that." it was true, he pulled away from you. You grabbed his face, smashing your lips against his. Messy and sloppy, he didn't care, the magic from your lips seem to escape, Sportacus can feel the tingle, it was working.

"What about Asgeir?"

"Leave him, by the time we come back. He will be taken care of. Now let's go home." you were happy he even said that.   

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