Chapter 20: Process of Elimination

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Authors Note: My apologies for taking forever to type up this chapter. I been having alot of problems with writers block and due to stress from work isn't helpful whatsoever. So this chapter is a really long one and I really don't want to split this into two parts and than continue. I'll try to post every other day, hope that clarify everything. Thanks for understanding and on with the story. 

Something felt a little off when Ipro asked you to speak to him. You wondered what it was, yet maybe you shouldn't. You didn't want to be rude and all, but something about him was..well different. Shaking your head, you only looked at your son, his face was in sleep mode as his ears twitched a little. Causing you to slightly chuckle to yourself. Sportacus was with you, sitting on his lap on the rocking chair, you learned your head against his chest. Just watching the miracle of life in your arms, Sportacus brushed his fingers softly through your hair, it was calming to say the least. You softly began to speak,

"It's been a few days..I'm starting to feel a bit better." he only looked down at you, never removing his hand.

"Do you want to go home?" he knew he had to, his grandfather told him so, but you were his mate, it was your choice.

"I..I want to stay..a little longer. I never really got to enjoy your home in a while."

"If that is what you wished." he bit his lip softly, you looked up at him, you kissed him softly, he only returned and did the same. He pulled away not too long after, staring into your eyes. You only whispered to him,

"Maybe later on, Mommy would like to play~" Sportacus only smirked.

"You just gave birth, you sure?" you moved a little, making him curl his lip.

"I miss your touch, is that so wrong?" he only kissed you softly, before breaking.

"No its not, I understand."

"So is that a yes?"

"Maybe, right now let's just enjoy the time we have with him." looking down at his son in your arms, ears still twitch as he began to notice some magic tingling in the air. Sportacus was indeed impressed. You began to noticed it too, but it never bother you. If it was a problem, Sportacus would've said something. Rocking back and forth on the chair, you slowly began to drift to sleep, somehow you didn't know why, but you were getting sleepy for some reason.


Asgeir began to walk back inside the house, still in his disguise he went passed the baby room and into yours. Sleeping on the bed, his lip only curled to himself. So sweet and innocent, oh how much he wanted to mark your skin, so many ways to make Sportacus in pain and yet which way to go. He began to quietly walk inside the room, the door, slowly closed. Further inside the room, Asgeir only looked down at you, for a human you were a beautiful creature. He notice your hips were wider, your chest a bit bigger than the last time he saw you, he can almost taste you just staring at you. Tempting to reach his hand out, he stopped himself, sure he wanted to take you and run, but this wasn't the plan and he knew it. The only thing he did was trace his fingers over his lips, before whispering something. Letting the magic escape he placed his two fingers on top of your forehead, the magic sinking in, not even Sportacus would be able to sense it. He began to leave the room, checking if anyone was around he walked out of the room, shutting the door. Down the hall he went, he notice another human in the room, looking over he only thought of an idea.

"Robbie?" he spoke. He knew the name well, Robbie looked over from his seat. Asgeir only walked up to him.

"Something wrong, Ipro?" he asked. Asgeir only looked down at him.

"Let's talk."


"Is this really a good idea?" you asked Ipro. He only nodded.

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