Chapter 12: Surprise

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Another month came around, and apparently you got yourself a little bigger than you were a month ago. Sitting in the classroom, while fidgeting with your pencil, you wanted to leave so badly. It wasn't the children, but the constant going to the restroom was the problem. Sighing to yourself as the bell began to ring, all the children left, leaving a few whispers, you knew what they were, but you couldn't tell them. Its not like you didn't want to, it's just the fear of them knowing, is all. Leaning back against the chair, you pulled out a banana from your lunch bag. It's all you were craving for was mostly fruit, apples, oranges and even watermelon. Watermelon actually sounded better than a banana, yet sadly all you had was this and a few grapes.

"I need you..Sportacus..." Missing the feeling of his touch, soothing you and telling you everything is going to be alright. Finishing up your banana while throwing it in the trash. You began to rubbed your stomach, feeling the living being inside of you, you couldn't help, but imagine what it would be like. Than out of nowhere, you felt something hit against your hand. Your eyes widen as you began to talk to it. "Is that you little one?" you felt it again. You couldn't stop smiling to yourself as you began to rubbed it a little more. "This is your mother, I can't wait to see you." you felt it again. You had to tell Sportacus the news. Taking the crystal that was around your neck, it began to glow, whispering into it. The glowing began to stop. You hope he got the message.


Sportacus stopped himself from flipping as the crystal was glowing, he could hear your voice. Listening to it carefully,

Come to school, I got a surprise for you

He wonder what it was, yet his excitement got the better of him as he rushed over to the school. Inside the halls, he saw the children going into another class, saying hello to them before heading into the art room. Seeing your smiling face as you motion your finger for him to come. The door was shut as he walked up to you. Seeing a stool right next to you, he walked over and sat down on it. You moved your hands over to his hand and placed it on your stomach. Waiting and waiting, Sportacus only looked at you.

"Whats this about? Are you in pain? Something happened?" he was started to freak out, but you shush him. His eyes stared at your stomach, until he felt it. Sportacus looked back up at you, shock. "Is that-"

"Yes, our baby." you smiled as he placed his head onto your stomach, placing kisses and listening into it.

"Hey there, I'm your father." he felt it kick as he moved away, yet still leaving his hand on your stomach.

"They say each parent should talk to it, before it's being born. I read about it in a book. It lets them know it's okay and we are here." Sportacus only leaned his head close to you, before giving you a soft chaste kiss.

"We are here, little one. My child." he rubbed your stomach, before feeling another kick.

"I wish it was here."

"It will be, only 3 more months, than our little bundle of joy will be with us." you took his other hand, giving it a small squeeze. He smiled at you, before seeing the glow of his crystal. You nodded for him to go, giving you a soft kiss he rushed out. Placing your finger to your lips. Yet something was on your mind, getting up from your seat, you walked over to Stephanie's painting, seeing the blue, the green, and the crystal. It's been bugging you for quite some time, staring into the painting. You placed your hand onto it, nothing. Shaking your head, thinking it was a silly idea. You went back to your desk, only focusing on the bundle of joy inside of you.


You stayed at home for a while, yet you wanted to go outside and get some fresh air. It was getting a little harder for you to move around. You missed jogging, you hated sitting at home doing nothing, yet you were painting least it was something. Before you knew it a knock was heard by the door. Looking over it was him,

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