Chapter 19: Behind it All

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He began to walk inside his home, dark and gloomy it was. He only snicker to himself, seeing his most prized possession. All tied up and so lost, it was so amusing to his game. Walking up to him, while giving him a good slap in the face, the elf moved its face, before his eyes finally opened.

"Why you-"

"Ah, come now. You must be fair on this, it was all his fault after all." he only snickered to himself. "Besides Ipro, your just an old hero, it's not like you're special or anything. Number 9 was the greatest..well..I thought...." Ipro only looked down at him.

"This isn't you, Asgeir, so full of hate and anger. You let the dark magic consume you-"

"So what if I care. That..elf! Should Not be a hero, I should."

"A hero wouldn't do this. He wouldn't hurt the people, let alone someone's mate. You know better than that, my son-"

"It doesn't matter, he isn't here."

"So what do you plan to do with me? I am not what you want."

"No, you are right, but you won't be in the way." with a flick of his writ, Asgeir began to change as the magic was swirling around him. His form changed, looking like Ipro like before. Ipro only frowned. "With this disguise, I will be able to achieve me goal."

"My nephew is smart, he will see right through it."

"Yet, it's only ________, the fragile human I want. The child, well..he aint use to me. His magic is beyond my hands." he only walked up to him, before placing his hand on his cheek, slightly slapping him lightly, like a pat. "The brat would be a handful even if he will be the strongest elf, too bad his mother would think she abandoned him." he slowly turned his back, while walking to the exit. Ipro only looked at him,

"You're a traitor to your kind, Asgeir. And I had high hopes for you." letting his head sink lower. He only closed his eyes.


"/You really think you have a change to be the next hero, Sportacus. I deserve it, my magic is stronger./" Sportacus only rolled his eyes, finishing up his push ups. Looking over at his rival, the evening was coming. It was time to pick who would be the next hero. Standing up there, there stood, Number 8 and Number 9. They both looked down at the two chosen ones.

"/Whoever wins, wins fair and square./" Asgeir only rolled his eyes, before looking at their direction. All the elves in the land came, Sportacus was a bit nervous, he looked at his father, he didn't want to let him down. He's been training for this since the day he could even do a split. He wanted to make them proud, he wouldn't fail them, even it he was going up against his friend.

"/I like to see you try./" Asgeir only moved forward, as the magic was swirling around them. The heroes began to speak to one another, Ipro nodded to his son, Ithro began to speak.

"/Today is the day, where we choose whoever is the rightful owner of this crystal and becoming Number 10./" Sportacus could only smile at his father as he continue talking. "/We have chosen Asgeir one of the best magic users of this land, with his skill he can prevent from anyone that is in trouble./" he pointed to him as everyone just stared and were curious about him. Asgeir only chuckle to himself. "/And of course, continuing down the line from my father to me, is my son. Sportacus, with his skill of being the most athletic elf, he can help those before danger happens./" Ithro pointed to his son, Sportacus only waved as they cheered for him. Asgeir only frowned a little, but never showed. Ipro began to walk besides his son, before speaking,

"/Now that we have the two, let's see what they care capable of, remember the mother is watching us all. Should either of you lie or cheat, you know the consequences./" they both nodded. "/Good./"


The trials were long, but neither of them gave up, Ipro and Ithro only looked at the two of them, watching their skills and knowledge, it seems it was a tie. Ithro only whispered at his father,

"/Sportacus is doing great, but why do I feel that it isn't enough?/" Ipro responded.

"/The boy isn't using much magic, he's using his body as tool. Its impressive to say the least. Not even breaking a sweat./" Ithro nodded as he watched the two of them once more. Sportacus concentrate on his option, he had to think quick, sure he could've use his magic to get it done and over with, but wasting magic on something he could easily do. He couldn't allow it. He closed his eyes, before hearing the sounds of screaming. Before he could even think fast, something came at him fast. Sportacus caught it with his hand, a piece of wood, before he could even react, he looked over seeing his friend in a panic. His magic was out of control and was sending his people screaming. Sportacus ran to them, protecting them with the best of his ability, before he could even look the direction of his friend. The magic stopped, everyone stopped and looked down at the elf before them. Sportacus rushed over to him, his hand was burning, Asgeir looked up at him, before swatting his hand away. He growled angrily at him,

"/This is all your fault!/"

"/My fault, your magic was out of control, luckily the elves didn't get hurt./" he spoke out. Yet the sound of clapping made them both look up at the heroes. Silence filled the air, the two of them walked forward, Ithro grabbed the crystal and began to walked down. Standing in between the two of them, he looked his way up before announcing.

"/Ipro and I, have decided on who would be the next hero./" he looked at Asgeir for a moment. "/Even though you have powerful magic, it cost you a great deal. Never have we seen such this, you almost got someone hurt because of it./" Asgeir was shocked to hear this, Ithro looked at his son, before handing him the crystal, Sportacus couldn't believe it. "/My son, you have shown that you don't need the magic to save someone, using your skills as a slightly above average hero, you showed us the right side of things. Just like Number 8. You, are the next hero. Number 10./" he took his hand and lifted it up in the air as everyone cheered. Sportacus almost started crying, it was truly and honor and he made his father proud, better yet his whole family. Asgeir only growled,

"/Oh so that's it, huh? That's not fair! I should be the hero, not him!/" Sportacus only walked near him, before hearing another growl.

"/Hey, it's okay-/"

"/Oh shut up you blue elf! The only reason you began the hero is because your father and grandfather are heroes, you cheated!/"

"/I did no such thing-/"

"/Silence!!/" Ipro shouted before glaring down at Asgeir. "/You are not worthy of being a hero, because of your actions here today. Leave now!/" And so Asgeir did, passing through the crowd. Sportacus only looked back, his once friend turn on him. He wonders if he would change. He looked back at his father,

"/Now that it's over, you are to begin your next level of training./" with they he nodded.


Asgeir remember so well, he hated the family, he hated that he didn't get to be the hero. It wasn't right for someone like him to be one. So what, having this much magic made him who he was today. Asgeir smiled as he began to watched over the little house that he was in. He waited, until the time was right. Sooner or later, his end comes.  

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