Chapter 16: Beginning

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2 months has passed, you were with Sportacus under the tree. Summer started and well, it was nice not have to be cramped inside the building. Sure the children were playing outside, but they made a promise to not to bother Sportacus for awhile unless there was an emergency. It was quite a shock how that happened, than again you were happy that Stephanie was letting you have him to yourself since she knew of your marriage to him It was nice to say the least, you learned your head against his shoulder, you looking down at your toes, your sandals were besides you while touching your foot against his boot. Letting your hand rubbed against your stomach, it was bigger than before. You knew in another month, this little guy will be out and into the world. Silence was broken, hearing him speak.

"I never thought I be in this position, little bundle of joy." you looked at him and smiled.

"I never thought I be with the hero of this town." he chuckled before taking your hand into his, closing it, he gave it a squeeze, it was comforting.

"Just being with you is the best feeling in the world." you blushed.

"Me too." you leaned in, closing your eyes you kissed him passionately. He closed his deepening it, opening your mouth and letting him dominate, heated, and so much more. You felt his other hand, brush against your cheeks, rubbing his thumb against it. You smiled, before feeling a hard kick. Breaking the kiss and looking down, Sportacus looked at you.

"That..was. a hard kick.." feeling another, you flinched a little holding your stomach. "Ow..calm down little one."

"_________, deep breaths" you breath in and out, in and out. You did it for a few minutes, but the baby had other things in pain. You cried out, holding his hand tightly, he began to panic. "Don't worry, we'll leave right away. Maybe its time.."

"Time! Time!..I have one month!!!" you were freaking out while trying to control your breathing. Sportacus picked you up and ran back to his airship, finally inside he set you down on the bed, all you could do was lay there, breathing. It hurt and you didn't know why, but you wish it wasn't coming just yet.


"I won't, I'll get Robbie and we will leave." he kissed your forehead as he flew the ship to his home. You closed your eyes, hoping the pain will be gone. You felt sleepy for some reason and soon your eyes closed. Drifting off.


With speed, Robbie stay by your side, Sportacus was writing down a letter to his grandfather, the ship was on autopilot. It won't be long til they reached the north, Robbie only watched you sleep.

"She seems fine now."

"It's just a precaution, Robbie. I'm a little unfamiliar with the process, I mean she is the first human to even carry my seed and all." Robbie could only gagged a little inside. "Besides, she felt like she was in real pain and since she's almost due time, it's better safe and sorry, if she is going to give birth." Sportacus finally finished the letter before sending it off, he hopes it would be soon. Robbie brushed some of the hair out of your face, looking down, yet he felt your forehead for a minute, you were burning up.

"Is this normal?" Sportacus rushed over, feeling your forehead his eyes widened.

"No, this isn't right."

"Than she's sick-"

"I think not, something is wrong, but I don't know what it is." there was nothing they could even do.


You were back again, this feeling from before. Everything was complete darkness, your face heated up, you were tired..why..pain filled your senses. Tears seems to be leaking out and out of nowhere, he approached.

"Already having the contractions? My, my this makes things more interesting by the minute." You saw him, close to you, he pushed you and you suddenly felt what seem like a chair. Sitting there, you couldn't move as his hand was waving in the air, seeing the tiny magical sparks escaping his fingertips. His sick grin came to view, he reminded you so much of Glanni.

"Please..don't do this.."

"Sooner or later, that child will come out. You humans are so fragile, so early, it's unspeakable to us. You might as well have a runt."

"My child is not a runt!" acting brave was the biggest mistake you have ever done. Asgeir grabbed a hold of your chin, making you face him.

"Well see, besides I'll be waiting for you." he leaned in and lick the side of your cheek, he slowly was disappearing, lightness came. When you blinked your eyes a few times, you were back to your safe place. Full of fresh air and the sound of the wind blowing, you were in the middle of the field while the trees were surrounding around you. The chair was gone and all you felt was the grass between your fingers and toes. All you could do was stay in that spot. Closing you eyes, forgetting.


 As the letter flew into his airship, Ipro caught it, while opening the paper airplane. Reading it, his eyes widen, telling his ship to head north. This wasn't a good sigh, no he has seen this before and he was afraid this would happened. Quickly grabbing a piece of paper, he wrote down the only thing he could think of. 

Wait for me, don't do anything!!

 With that he send the paper off, while tapping his foot. He only hope you were okay to say the least. 

"As long as she still keeps breathing, she will be fine. Lets hope she does." he told himself, before looking back at the letter. He knew his nephew would be worried, seeing the words 'mate', and or 'fever'. 'baby kick hard', he felt that he was  panicking. Ipro wasn't going to let it happened. Looking out the window of his ship, he closed his eyes, focusing on you and only you. It would take a lot of magic to reach into your mind. Being so far away, he hopes he doesn't passed out. 

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