Chapter 8: News

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Days seen to come, you were getting worried that you wouldn't be. The about of it, you wondered to yourself. You were alone in your room, before decided to see your mate. Out of the house, seeing his ship near the park. You began to walked over, the ladder was already down, so he must of either left or already in his ship. You gulped a little, before taking your hand and grabbing onto it, climbing up you knew you can do it, you've done it many times before, yet heights aren't your thing. You knew, but it was thrilling at the same time. Finally reaching the top, he wasn't home, figures. You really wanted to talk to him, you worried and you didn't want him to be upset, if shook your head.

"I can't be feeling down...maybe it takes longer.." you spoke to yourself. Heading over to the main control, you looked down, the view was amazing, seeing the whole town, no wonder he loved it up here. Sitting on the rear, you just watched, you noticed some children playing soccer, you can see Robbie trying to trick the children into being lazy. Yet you didn't seem to find, 'him' normally he would be playing with them or stopping Robbie, like the classic hero vs villain. Maybe it was all part of Robbie's plan. You only chuckled to yourself, you hope Robbie wouldn't hurt him. Than again..what was Sportacus weakness? You always wondered what the elf had, Asgeir told you that it was you, but maybe there was others? You didn't want to believe what he said, but it got you thinking. Before you knew it, your thoughts were broken. Hearing the sounds of footsteps, you looked back. You smiled.

"Wasn't expecting to see you?" he spoke. You got up from your seat and walked over to him. He noticed something was troubling you, dropping the ladder that he had in his hands. He moved up, standing in front of you. He moved his hand to your crystal, it began to glow a little. You looked at him, in confusion. "You're in trouble, aren't you?" you nodded. He let go of your crystal and moved his other hand to your cheek.

"It's been days, since our last..well you know..and I just..worry. Maybe..I'm unfit to have children.." you didn't noticed you were even crying. A few tears seem to slip down your cheeks, Sportacus only pulled you close. He closed his eyes, focusing on the one thing. Mutter something you wouldn't understand. He took a sniff, he smiled.

"It's alright." you were shock and confused by this. You looked at him, you only wanted to slap him, but what made you change your mind, was his face. He was smiling, his eyes opened. He let go of you, moving his hand to your stomach, rubbing it gently. "Because you are." your eyes widen,

"Am I? Really?!" he nodded once more.

"I'm going to be a father!" he picked you up and twirled you around, you giggle as you let out happy tears. He held you close as you kissed him,deeply.

"I'm so happy, I can finally relax." he only chuckled at you.

"You want to celebrate?~" you felt his hand, moved, you only look at him.

"You know what, yeah lets~"


Sportacus couldn't get enough of you, he was incredibly happy. Slowly moving out of bed, he put his pants on before walking over to the table not far from him. A paper and pen was in view, he sat down on the chair and began to write.

It's been too long since I've sent a letter to you. I got some wonderful news, I met someone, someone very dear to me. She's unlike anyone I ever known, she's smart, pretty, she even risk her life for me and saved me. You may have heard something a year ago from the others and if you don't know. I fell in love with a human, her name is _________. She is my life and my mate now, sorry I didn't sent this sooner, it's just been crazy and well I'm sure you understand, you know how we are. I want you to meet her, we have exciting news to tell and I'm sure you would love her as much as I. I've moved to a place called Lazytown, it's not that far from our home. I do hope you get this letter.

~Sportacus 10

With finishing the letter, he sent it away, he hope his grandfather would get the message. It's been too long, since the last time he met with him. His father's funeral for one, but that was long ago. Before he knew it a paper airplane came through his door, that was fast even for him. Sportacus grabbed the plane, before opening it. He only smiled as he read.

Never thought I hear from you, my boy. It's good to see you settle down for once, unlike your father. Yet he gave me you, which is a good sign. Yes, I have heard, but I didn't believe that my only grandson would mate with a human. Oh how times have change, the high council must of been interested in her to let you keep her. I'm not that far, should take me about three days to get there.

~Íþróttaalfurinn 8

He folded the paper up, placing it on the table. He couldn't wait til her grandfather to visit, he didn't seem to mind that you were his mate. It made him feel calm. Sportacus felt a pair of arms wrapped around his neck, he gasp a little, you were nibbling on his ear. Getting attention, you spoke,

"Whatcha got there?"

"A letter from my grandfather, he's coming in three days. He's so excited to see you." this caused you to smile. Moving to his lap as you sat, he only looked at you.

"You really think so?"

"Of course. Besides.." he rubbed his hand over your stomach, causing you to smile. "We have news to tell him." you smiled even more as you kissed his cheek.


Rereading over the letter than he got from his nephew, he only played with his goatee. Thinking as his ship was heading to Lazytown. He wanted to see it with his own eyes, he knew Sportacus was the most active than his late son and himself. Settling down? Yet, he had heard from the other elves about the hero and the human girl, looking out at the windows, he only smiled to himself. This should be interesting.   

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