Chapter 17: Miracle

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You stayed there, you didn't want to wake up. Yet you wanted to at the same time, you only looked down. The child was inside of you and wanted to come out. Guess it was time. The wind blowing against your skin, a voice was broke. You looked up, staring at him.

"________..." you bit your lip, his arms were crossed like in a more serious tone. His face expression was something else.

"Is this a dream...or are you one of his 'tricks'?" Ipro was confused by this.

"What do you mean? You are about to give birth, yet your mind seems to have gone elsewhere. How is that?" he wondered, he walked closer to you, unfolded his arms until he knelled down in front of you. Moving a little back, you stopped, feeling the hard kick that you felt before. He reached his hand out, feeling the stomach. You only looked into his eyes, he showed concern and worried for you. "Tell me what's wrong?"

"I..I can' don't understand-"

"Try me." Would he find out? You breath in and out, before looking at him straight in the face. Explaining everything that has happened, Ipro stroke his beard,

"Why do you think I-" yet you only heard of the sound of his chuckling. Before looking down, before looking down at you.

"So that's what he's been up to. Don't let that boy taunt you. I know you worried being his past didn't go well, but I promise you this. Sportacus and I will protect you, we are more than he is. Do you trust me?" yet inside, you really did worried. You needed to wake up and see his face. You nodded, his hand reached out, you reached yours, touching his as everything went white.


Your eyes popped opened, the pain seem to came back with a kick. Looking around, Sportacus was carrying you, while Robbie was next to him. Yet feeling the cold air hit your skin, you were definitely in the north. You mumbled under your breath,

"Sportacus.." he looked down, seeing your eyes opened.

"I got you." he really was something. You looked around even more, it was close he says there were. You noticed female elves gathering around, you saw the pond, They took you away from him, you panic.


"/Not now, it's time./" you heard one speak to you. Looking the other way, you saw Sportacus being taken away. You really wanted to speak to him, yet the baby was getting in the way. You had to keep reminding yourself to breath in and out, it was comforting, but not by much. The elves slowly helped you into the water, sitting there the pain began to ease down a little. You looked around, hoping to find Robbie. Your head was being pulled back and the comfort of knees met with your head. You saw Robbie, he was caressing the sides of your head. Shushing you, you were at least happy to see him.


"I'm here, Sportacus will be waiting." you knew. He took his other hand, taking yours, you squeeze it letting him know that you were fine, for the time being.

"How..long..have I been out?" Robbie closed his eyes for a minute before reopening them.

"Almost 10 hours, we thought you wouldn't wake up." it really has been that long, you figure it was less than that. His move his hand to your forehead, the fever seem to died down. It was good thing,

"Is he..mad?"

"No, he was just worried about you, but you are fine now, so just breath." Robbie inside was freaking out, yet he had to be brave for you. You didn't know how long you were in, you waited, until it was time.


Sportacus waited for you, he was worried about you, he couldn't stop doing push up, he needed a distraction and this wasn't helping.

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