In Which there's Baking & Chasing

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3- In Which there is Baking & Chasing

Pan kneaded the bread dough as she hummed to herself lightly. This was her fourth day in the past on Vegeta-Sei with the Saiyans, and her fourth day working at a bakery. She had gotten used to working with Lex and Zohl quickly. She woke up early with Trunks, who usually dropped her off at the cafe on his way to the station. For the most part, her job these last few days had been working the register while Zohl made the bread and Lex took orders...

The two siblings were quite a pair. They teased and fought like no ones business. It reminded her of her relationship with Goten.

Pan sighed as focused on the dough. She missed her home and she missed her family. The first few days had been fun and exciting. Pan had always wondered about the planet her father came from and it was interesting to say the least. Now, on the forth day, worry began to fill her mind. The bracelets hadn't glowed since the day they skipped time. What if her and Trunks were stuck on Vegeta-sei?

Would she ever see her family again? The thought hit her like a ton of bricks and she had to steady herself against the counter. What happened when they disappeared? Did their family even know that they were gone?

Taking a deep breath, Pan calmed her emotions. Although she had reason to worry about the possibility of never seeing her family again, she forced herself not to dwell on it. She had to trust that Trunks would find some way to bring them back to the present, where they belonged.

"I'm back," Zohl announced happily as he came to the back. He piled the flour he had just went to go buy on the counter and gave Pan an affectionate pat on the head. "Thanks for not burning the place down while I was away."

Pan just chuckled and went to the sink to wash the dough off of her hands as Zohl took over. "It wasn't a problem." She gave him a small salute before heading to her place at the register.

The small bakery was actually pretty popular and was usually busy. After tasting some of the sweets that Zohl had made, Pan understood why. It wasn't surprising to find out that Saiyans had a sweet-tooth.

Pan glanced around the bakery, taking in all the people that were in there. It still amazed her that she was on Vegeta-Sei, the home to her ancestors. Although Pan always knew Vegeta-Sei was a real place, it always felt like a dream-like place since she knew she would never get to see it herself. Now that she was here though, it was like reality was hitting her.

A couple walked up to the register, the man having his arm around his mate lovingly as she giggled. Pan checked them out with a smile and watched them walk away, her smile dropping. Looking around, she noticed a lot of couples and it looked like they were all on dates...

Pan had been on dates before, but none that was memorable. She had some bad luck when it came to men apparently. Sure, they would like her at first, and call her cute but as soon as they found out what her last name was and whose daughter she was, their attitudes changed. They became scared of her, because they knew she was strong and they had such little self-esteem that they refused to be the 'weaker' one. Pan supposed that was alright... She was strong and she wasn't about to change herself for a man who wouldn't appreciate her the way she was.

The door opened and as she looked up to greet the person she was surprised to see it was Trunks, and he looked rather irritated. He walked up to the counter with a grumble and rested his elbows on it.

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