In Which There's Kissing

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14- In Which There's Kissing

Pan sighed as she used her ki to dry her hair. It was still early in the morning but she had been up for a while. She hadn't slept well the night before because Trunks had watched a horror movie marathon. It wasn't that Pan was scared of them, she just wasn't fond of them. Most were too creepy and gory for her liking.

Trunks was still sleeping soundly in his bed and Pan smiled as she walked over towards him. "Trunks," she called gently. "Time to get up..."

He didn't even budge and Pan frowned as she grabbed his shoulder. "I don't want to," he finally mumbled.

"We're out of food, we need to go eat," she told him.

"I'll get some later," he sighed with his eyes still closed.

"But I'm hungry now," Pan pouted.

"Then go get some, bring me some back," he grumbled as he pulled the blankets up higher and snuggled into his bed.

Pan let out a huffed as she straightened her back. He would sleep for several more hours since he had stayed up late.

"Fine," she said as she reached over to the nightstand and grabbed some money. "I'm going to buy me a delicious breakfast and I'm not bringing you any back!"

Trunks' only response was a light snore.


Pan had been to West City too many times to count. It is the home of the Briefs, which meant she was there often and it was Bulla's hunting ground of shopping. Still, it was different for Pan to see it in this time- before she was even born. There were stores she didn't even recognize and some that were still operating even in the future and there were plenty that looked as if they had been remodeled.

A familiar bakery up ahead caught Pan's eyes and she smiled. She loved that bakery in her time- their fried donuts were delicious! The bakery was rather crowded, with it being just a few days since the Cell Games, several people were coming back into the city. Pan stepped back when a woman almost bumped into her and she bumped into someone herself.

"I'm sorry!" She apologized quickly and she gasped when she saw the familiar blue eyes. "You..." she whispered at future Trunks. He was wearing a light blue hoodie to hide his hair, but Pan knew him well enough to point him out.

"Panny," he greeted. His eyes glanced around the bakery. "Where's...?"

"Oh, he's still sleeping," Pan said. "He stayed up late watching horror movies," she scrunched up her nose.

Future Trunks' lips twitched in amusement. "I see... Would you like to eat breakfast with me then?"

Pan felt herself grinning. "I'd love to!"


After grabbing some donuts, Pan and future Trunks made their way outside where it was less crowded and to a nearby park. The weather was nice and so they sat on the bench as they ate quietly.

"You know, I just realized that I never introduced myself," Pan told future Trunks.  Her eyes widened and she bowed her head in apology. "Trunks must have told you, but I'm sorry for not doing so."

"Oh, it's okay," future Trunks told her with a small smile. "And yes, I know who you are... Pan Son, Goku's child."

"Yeah..." she smiled. "I'm sorry about the other day. I must have shocked you."

"Ah, I was surprised," he admitted. "But it's okay."

"Trunks and I tried to leave right after bumping into you but we were caught by Gohan. Thankfully Papa was able to get him away..."

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