In Which There's Two Trunks'

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12- In Which There's Two Trunks'

Trunks has had better days. Time-jumping twice in under 24 hours was stressful and on the top of it, he had gotten little to no sleep. He was exhausted.

With a small groan he sat up and squinted his eyes as he glanced around. Blue sky and thick green woods surrounded them- they were on earth. Trunks just wondered what time period on earth. Beside him, Pan let out a small whine as she came to.

"Are you awake?" He asked.

"I don't want to be," she grumbled as she opened her eyes. They widened slightly as she glanced at the sky. "Earth...?"

"Yeah," Trunks nodded. "I'm not sure where in the timeline we're at though," he admitted.

Pan got up slowly and stretched as she looked around. He could tell by the way her brows were knitted in concentration that she was listening for anything nearby.

"I don't think we're that far from a city," she said. "It's probably still too dangerous for us to fly, huh?"

Trunks nodded as he stood up. "Let's find out where we're at and who we're dealing with first."

"Sounds like a plan," Pan agreed.


Pan blinked her eyes in surprise. Her and Trunks had found the city, at least that's what it looked like. Skyscrapers were high above them in a concrete jungle and yet the city looked... empty. Very few people were on the street and those who were looked as if they were in a big hurry to go somewhere.

"We're in West City," Trunks mumbled. Pan glanced his way and saw he was staring at something. Following his gaze her eyes widened when she saw the large CC building. "Something's not right," he sighed as he rushed down the sidewalk.

Pan followed behind him quickly. She didn't understand what was happening either but one thing was for certain- she didn't want to lose him.

"Oh shit," Trunks huffed as he picked up a newspaper.

"What?" Pan asked curiously.

"Look," he gave her the paper.

'CELL GAMES TO TAKE PLACE IN 3 DAYS!' The front page read in big bold letter.

"Cell Games..." Pan whispered. She had heard stories about that terrible event. "Trunks," she glanced up at him. "If the Cell Games are about to happen and our bracelets are attracted to those with similar genetics to ourselves, then do you think it noticed your counterpart...?" She whispered.

His eyes widened a fraction before he sighed. "It's possible," he said as he took the newspaper from her and skimmed over it. "I say we try to find a hotel to stay at for now. We can't make ourselves too noticeable but we do need to go get some clothes and groceries to tide us over for a few days."

"With what money?" Pan asked. "All I have is the money I got from Vegeta-Sei." It was a shame that she couldn't use it on earth when she had saved up so much of it... But part of her didn't want to spend it. She wanted to keep it and treasure it as a memory.

Trunks gave her a smirk, which let her know he was up to something mischievous. "Follow me."

"I have a bad feeling about whatever you're about to do," she mumbled as she followed him down the sidewalk.

"Have a little faith in me, Panny," he told her.

Pan followed him as they headed closer to CC and she started to grow a little nervous. "Trunks, are you going to CC? Are you going to find your grandpa or mom?"

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