In Which Pan's a Love Expert

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10- In Which Pan's a Love Expert

Pan felt warm and comfortable. It was the kind of warm comfort that made her want to stay in bed and not wake up, but her body was stubbornly waking. With a small whine, she barely opened her eyes. The room had a dark blue glow to it, letting her know that even the sun wasn't up yet.

Slowly, Pan blinked her eyes as they adjusted to the light. She sighed, nuzzling her nose into her pillow... That was oddly hard, but comfortable.

Pan's eyes widened as she sat up quickly. Her heart raced inside of her chest as she watched Trunks sleep beside her. He was sprawled out on his back, looking rather comfortable as well and his arm... His arm had been her pillow. Heat invaded Pan's cheeks.

The night before, after her traumatic experience at the hospital, Trunks had stayed close beside her and made sure she was content. They must have fallen asleep after watching movies together. Pan felt herself growing even warmer at knowing she had cuddled Trunks in her sleep, because she definitely hadn't fallen asleep like that.

Trunks' breathing was soft and even and Pan couldn't help but watch him for a few seconds. She had thought that he would chew her out yesterday after discovering how bad she had let her leg get, but he didn't. He was calm and gentle and he even helped her not have a complete panic attack as the doctor gave her the shot for her leg.

A faint smile twitched across Pan's lips as she reached over and moved some of Trunks' hair out of his face. He was strangely charming. It was funny of her to think of him that way when just a month ago she would have called him the biggest jackass on the planet. Of course, she knew she was no saint in his book, either, but honestly, she knew they did it on purpose.

Pan had once overheard Trunks telling Goten that he didn't know what it was about her, but he couldn't help but rile her up. Truthfully, it was the same for her. Bulla had asked her again and again why she liked to bicker so much with Trunks. Truthfully, Pan didn't know why. Maybe it was because Trunks was the only one who could ever truly handle her bitchy moods. The men in her family, though they tried their best to please her and the other women, would often run and hide in fear of being smacked. Trunks however, never ran or hid. He'd snark something off at her, which in turn she'd bite back. They would argue about anything and everything that was absolutely irrelevant.

It had been weeks now since they had really argued. The last incident that Pan could think of was when she thought he was flirting with a merchant girl. Of course, they quibbled here and there, but it was nothing like it had used to be and yet, Pan still enjoyed it.

Without thinking about it, Pan stroked his cheek and his nose scrunched up. She gasped as she brought her hand up to her pounding chest. Just what did she do?! Did she really just stroke his cheek? Why?!

Pan shook her head quickly as she climbed out of the bed. He just looked so peaceful that she couldn't help herself. Quickly, she made her way to the door and was pleased to find out that she could walk without pain for the first time in almost a week.

Once Pan got to the bathroom she looked at her wound and her eyes widened. It looked like a small scratch now, the redness and tenderness was almost completely gone! Trunks had told her the night before that he assumed that the infection had something to do with her body's natural strong antibodies to weaken. He told her that when she woke up, since the infection was taken care of, that her would would probably be almost completely healed, like it should have been days ago. Trunks had been right... Her leg looked so much better.

A soft smile found its way onto Pan's face. Now she was ready for whatever timeloop this adventure threw at her... Just as long as Trunks would stay by her side, she would alright.

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