In Which There's Destruction

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6- In Which There is Destruction

Pan frowned down at her leg. It had been two days since she had gotten cut because of Kabuto and her leg continued to look worse each day. She had been faithfully doctoring it and taking care of it but nothing seemed to be working. She knew she probably needed a tetanus shot but she didn't even know if Vegeta-sei had that, and the thought of getting shot made her queasy.

With a small whine, Pan bandaged her leg before walking out of the bathroom. Trunks was leaning against the counters, waiting.

"How's your leg?" He asked. Over the span of several days, Pan had heard him ask her that several times. She knew he was worried, which was why she couldn't let him worry more than he needed to. 

"It's better," Pan smiled. She ignored the way her leg ached when she walked and tried her best to look normal. "Ready?"

Trunks let out a small breath and nodded. "Let's go."

Pan knew the last few days at the police station had been difficult for all the officers. Many Saiyans were upset that there had been a criminal like Kabuto right in front of them and no one knew it. Pan wasn't sure what Kiba had done with Kabuto and honestly, she didn't want to know.

The suns were shinning brightly as Trunks and Pan walked to their jobs. "The suns are out again," Pan said. It had been cloudy for the last several days.

"Yeah," Trunks said with a small smile. "Things finally look normal again."

"I hope it stays that way," Pan sighed.


It was around midday when it happened. A shake that shook the entire planet, causing buildings to begin to collapse. Pan barely had time to take cover from the window busting. The aftershocks hit the planet forcefully and outside, screaming and chaos was abundant.

Pan's breath caught in her throat as the restaurant turned into an uproar. Zohl and Lex were rushing outside where Saiyans and other aliens were running around wildly. Pan wobbled out of the door and peaked her head out. In the sky, she could see it. Frieza's ship.

"No," Pan whispered. Her body was shaking as she ran out of the restaurant. She had to find Trunks. They had to do something!

"Trunks!" Pan yelled over the screams and cries of the crowd. A blast nearby caused the city to shake and screams of terror filled the air. "Trunks!" She screamed in panic.

Someone shoved past her, knocking her down and causing her to land on her bad leg. She winced as she fought back her tears. What if she didn't find Trunks? What if she was on Vegeta-Sei when it exploded? Would her family ever know?


She glanced up with teary eyes to see Kiba standing in front of her. He reached down and helped her up. Quickly he supported her.

"Kiba, Trunks-"

"Don't worry," he told her her. She could feel him shaking and yet, his voice was calm. "I know where he's at. He's in a frenzy, looking for you."

Kiba led her back to the restaurant and just as they walked up to it, Trunks bolted out.

"Pan," he let out a loud sigh. He took the strides over to her before he had her in a hug. Pan could feel it. His heart was beating just as fast as hers.

"Trunks," she croaked. "We can do something," she told him. "It doesn't-"

"Pan," his voice broke as he leaned back. "You know we can't," he whispered hoarsely. Doing something would change the entire timeline. If they did that then things would be bad.

"You two," Kiba spoke. "Get somewhere safe," he ordered. "Do what you need to do to survive and get back to your time."

Trunks gasped, as did Pan. "Wait," Trunks said. "You-"

"Know you're from the future?" Kiba's lips twitched, but it didn't meet his sad eyes. "I overheard you two talking one night and the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. Plus, you do look a damn lot like the Prince," he told Trunks.

Another round of shocks shook the earth and Pan was quick to grab Trunks. Rays shot out of Frieza's ship, hitting nearby Saiyans and buildings causing them to crumble. Trunks grabbed Pan's hand and quickly ran back into the restaurant, Kiba right behind them.

"You two stay safe!" Kiba told them. "I'm going to find Ino!"

"Kiba, wait!" Pan cried. "Thank you..." tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry. So sorry..."

"Don't be sorry for something you can't help, Little One," Kiba told her gently. His eyes met Trunks. "You take good care of her. Don't forget about me," he told them with a genuine smile before he ran out the doors.

Pan choked back a sob as Trunks wrapped his arms around her. The planet felt as if it was breaking. It honestly sounded as if it was screaming in agony.

"It's not fair!" Pan sobbed.

Trunks tightened his hold on her. "I know," he whispered. "I know."

Pan held him tightly. His heart was thudding and she focused on it. Anything to block out the screams of terror from her ancestors as they were being killed. She was so upset that she didn't even notice that the bracelet on her wrist was glowing. With a big flash of light, her, Trunks and Vegeta-Sei... were gone.

A/N: This chapter is short, I know. Still, I hope I was able to convey the sadness.

Next chapter- Trunks and Pan wake up to some familiar faces, but they're not back in their time quite yet!

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