"Chapter 8" ✔

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The Carnival and the Purple Teddy Bear ^^^^

This chapter is still in Ashley Dale's POV like I said in the last chapter. And this will also be a long one. So enjoy!

Ashley's POV

Days went by fast and I was thankful, at the same time relieved. Just as promised, the principal arranged a meeting after school the next day with the staff along with my friends. We discussed about the rumors circling in school as well as the recent incident of Barron terrorizing me.

We also went through the CCTV files and found something that we can use to track the suspect behind all these dramas. Also, as the meeting went on, Principal Cruz didn't waste time as he addressed the incident between Barron Samaniego and I.

He called Barron into the meeting and went on with basically roasting him with questions. When the Principal was finally satisfied with the interrogation he did with Barron, he went on to giving him the Judgement. Right in front of all of us, direct to the point, he expelled Barron. By the looks Mr. Cruz was having that time, all those inside the room knew he wasn't having second thoughts and that, his decision is final.

He also told Barron that when he enrolls to another school, they will be notified about his previous behaviors when he was still a student here. In that way, the school will keep an eye on him at all times, just in case he does something stupid.

Even though I wasn't really fond of the idea of expelling him, I guess it's also for the best. Barron has done enough and I don't want this same situation to happen to other students if ever he gets to stay. I do think the punishment being given to him was a bit too much, but considering the fact that he managed to hurt me physically because of him being a homophobe makes me think he did deserve it.

No matter the gender, we all deserve to live in peace, given the same treatment, and respected as humans. In my perception, nothing is different. We are the same human who breathes the same air, lives and dies in the same planet, and all turns to dust. No matter how rich or poor, we will all decompose when the time comes.

So why hate?

I guess people are just close minded that way.

But then again, that's what it is. Life is tough and it will always be that way no matter how many changes we go through.

The only thing we can do is prepare ourselves for it. Just like what I always do.

I never expected for these thing to happen but I know deep down, it will happen. I guess I was just caught off guard even with how much I prepare for it.

And now that what's done is done, life moves on.

**** **** ****

Once the matter was finally settled, I would say I'm happy of the outcome.

Although It may have came out a bit harsh for Barron's side, I guess it was meant to be. He harvested the doings he had done and now he had to face it.

And now that one thing was successfully removed off my shoulder, all I have to think and worry about is the rumor still actively spreading around school.

The meeting ended with new evidences of who really is behind all this. And hopefully, we'll have the answers we needed in due time.

Choosing Mr. Destiny (boyxboy) [To Be Edited]Where stories live. Discover now