"Chapter 48" ✔

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Song I listened to while writing: "Us Against The World by Westlife"

They're my all-time favorite boy band. All my fellow 90s baby will relate, I'm sure.

**Ashley's POV**

Arthur's question kept running like a broken record inside my head.

"I saw you heal Jordan earlier, why can't you do the same with Connor?"

Honestly, I don't know what happened. I kind of just blanked out when I saw Azrael charging towards Arthur at an unimaginable speed and did what I did without even realizing what I was actually doing. I just reacted on impulse, I guess. And that somehow resulted me to use a power I still wasn't aware of.

Now that I really think about it, I know nothing, like absolutely nothing, about myself and my very own abilities. To make matters worse, I have no one to go to whom I can ask about what I am and what I can do. Even Delsiah doesn't have any single clue of what my powers could be. All he knows is that I'm a demigod and that I may be harnessing the same powers my own mother has. But then, I don't personally know my REAL mother since she pretty much didn't raise me as a child. So with that said, I don't know what her powers are.

That just leaves me with one option, discovering my powers on my own.

In just a short period of time, I saw two sides of myself. Both good and bad. How I was able to inflict harm on some people with brute and inhumane force. And what good I was also able to give by healing Jordan just a few moments ago.

Does that mean I can balance both good and bad? I still don't understand.

"Hey," Arthur called, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Stop overthinking about it, okay. I'm sure we'll figure it out soon." He said with a charming smile.

I sighed.

"It's just that, I want to know my powers so I'll be able to control it," I told him as I played with my fingers.

We're still inside the forest and less than an hour from now will be midnight. I know Azrael won't give up until he gets what he wants. I may have injured him earlier but I'm sure he's recovered from it by now. For all I know, he's probably already planning how he's going to get me.

Instead of letting myself overthink, I should focus and keep vigilant.

This isn't the best time to be distracted by my own thoughts. I should be thinking about what our strategy's going to be on how we're taking him down. But then again, I'm not the best at coming up with a battle plan. That's Arthur's expertise, not mine.

"So what's our plan going to be?" Arthur asked after a full minute of us in silence.

I guess I spoke too soon.

"I uhm... honestly, I don't know. I guess I was too engrossed with adrenaline earlier that I just wanted to go head-on without as much as a plan." I admitted with a small frown.

I'm a total idiot for thinking I could just face a freaking demon empty-handed.

"Okay, well, let's come up with a plan while we still have little time." He suggested, making me nod my head understandingly.

He paused momentarily before his face contorted into a look of concentration.

"While I was on the battlefield not too long ago, Delsiah and I saw Azrael at the rooftop of his mansion. What he was doing there? We don't really know for sure. But I do think that's where he's at." He said as he looked at me.

I nodded. Understanding what he just told me.

"I also had this weird feeling that that's where he was supposed to take me when the full moon is at its peak. I can't explain it but my wolf somehow agrees with me." I admitted.

Choosing Mr. Destiny (boyxboy) [To Be Edited]Where stories live. Discover now