"Chapter 34" ✔️

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Ash's adorable self. 😍

Arthur's POV

As soon as I step foot inside the pack house's exclusive living room, my family instantly bombarded me with questions.

"What in the Gods name happened, Arthur?" Mom asked.

Then she turned to Dad who was standing behind me. "Dominic, what's going on?"

But Dad didn't answer. Obviously giving me the chance to spill the news myself.

"I already ended the gathering and told everyone to go to their houses and apartments. Now tell me, what the hell happened out there?" Nate spoke up.

And despite all the questions they've been throwing my way, I didn't give them a single answer. Instead, I simply walked towards the couch and sat down before I spread the news to them.

"Have a seat, honey," Dad said as he ushered Mom to sit down.

Without a word, Mom sat down, as well as Nate, Jen with Jasmine in her arms, and lastly, Benny who arrived a few minutes after she found out Ash went missing.

I sighed as I prepared myself to speak.

"Someone took Ash," I stated, making them gasp in shock.

"What?" Bethany bellowed, worry lacing her voice as well as obvious anger.

I was about to respond as I opened my mouth but nothing came.

"Arthur who took Ash?" Bethany asked one more time as she stood from her seat.

"Do you have any lead where he is?" Nate asked.

I shook my head, feeling disappointed.

"We're not yet sure who took my mate, but we're still figuring it out," I answered Benny before turning to Nate. "And I thought we did. But it only led us to our neighboring pack as a diversion." I stated.

They all sighed out in frustration.

"Is there anything we can use to track Ash's location?" Benny asked as she paced around back and forth in the room.

I looked down at the coffee table before speaking up.

"I installed an app on his phone where I can use to track him, and I'm now working on it," I stated.

She nodded in relief.

"Well, at least there's good news." Benny breathed out.

"Honey, have you informed Ash's family about this?" Mom asked.

"Speaking of," A voice suddenly spoke, making us turn all our attention towards the source.

It was Elder Delsiah. Or Delly as what he requested us to call him.

"Elder." We all said in chorus as we all bowed our heads in respect.

"Quit the formality guys. I'm still in my twenties you know." He casually stated as he stepped in and walked towards the unoccupied seat.

"I thought you were in Barcelona?" I asked.

He nodded. "I was. But then I had this strong feeling of dread, telling something was wrong so I decided to come back." He replied.

"What about the other two elders?"

"I told them to stay and fill in for me." He said. "But anyway, I'm sorry if I didn't knock. I just had to know what was going on."

"I'm guessing you already know Ash was kidnapped?" I asked in which he immediately nodded.

"I do." He said sadly. "But do you know who took him?"

Choosing Mr. Destiny (boyxboy) [To Be Edited]Where stories live. Discover now