"Chapter 39" ✔️

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Our cutie pie Ash. Isn't he an adorable little peanut?

Also, I know I usually do my Author's note after the end of the chapter, but I just have some things to put out there, mainly to my very aggressive haters.

First of all, if you don't like my book and say how bad it's written, then stop reading it. It's that simple. I didn't threaten your lives to read my book. I didn't point a gun on your head to give my book your precious time. NO! You're here because you chose to. Not because someone, especially me, forced you to. I know I've said that I accept criticism, but not this. This is not criticism, it's hating and degrading on something just because you don't agree on it. I'm not a pro writer like those who you all proudly mentioned. I'm not like them. Not even close, and I know that. But that's why I keep writing. To improve. To be better. I accepted criticisms because I know it will help me with my writing getting even better with time. But you hating and degrading me as a person just because I didn't manage to satisfy you with how I write, doesn't give any of you the right to belittle me.

And what's worse? Some of you go the extra mile and contact me using my personal social media sites just to degrade me. How worse can people get these days?

It really is a shame that there are kinds of people like that.

However, no matter how much you haters throw bricks at me, I will never stop writing. Why? Because I love to write. And no one, not even those who belittle me, can say I can't keep writing.

I rule my life, and I will improve, just so you see.

This is your Author, and I wish you a beautiful day. And to all my haters who so nicely spent their time telling me how bad I am, GO CHOKE ON A DILDO AND DIE.

Not even Satan will welcome you to hell. And I doubt those two long horns on top of your head will take you to heaven.

And one last time. When I die, I won't go to heaven nor hell because I'll be sliding down the rainbow shitting glitters, BITCH!

Now to my faithful readers, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I wish you a happy and prosperous life.

Peace out...

Ashley's POV

The last thing I remembered was the moment I got dragged back inside the horrid mansion Winter and I fought hard to escape from. Before I lost consciousness, Jacob didn't hold back from all the blows and punches he threw at me until he finally knocked me out.

I guess I'm just not that lucky because we got caught. And despite the fact that Winter still managed to escape, I'm still scared of what might have happened to him. What if he didn't make it? What if he got himself hurt? What if he was also caught?

A lot of unsettling thoughts ravaged my mind as I was once again locked up inside a room. But this time, it was in the basement where rogues and hunters heavily guard the only entrance, giving me no chance to plan another escape. And I guess our escape act got Azrael really mad since he's no longer holding anyone back from hurting me. By the looks of it, I won't be surprised if he's now ordering them to beat me up close to death, making it hard for me to keep my unborn child safe. As much as possible, I try to keep my still flat stomach away from any of their hurtful blows. I didn't care if they hit anywhere else on my body as long as my child inside my tummy is okay. I'll keep enduring all of the beatings they throw at me as long as I know my baby is safe.

However, as long as we're under Azrael's hand, I know both my baby and I aren't safe. Far from it.

Every second will always be dangerous and life-threatening for me and my baby as long as we're here held captive. The only thing I'm glad right now is the fact that Azrael still hasn't noticed I'm pregnant and that my baby is safe. I just hope it stays that way until we're rescued.

Choosing Mr. Destiny (boyxboy) [To Be Edited]Where stories live. Discover now