"Chapter 16" ✔

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Awwww! Look at our baby Ash, isn't he adorable? 😍😍😍

(Time skip:One Year later)

Ashley's POV

Isn't it annoying when you're in the middle of a really good dream and then your alarm clock decided to ruin it?

Yeah, it pisses me off all the time.

But since now that the obnoxious thing that human kind invented woke me up, I decided to just get up and start the day. I stretched out and rubbed the sleep out of my tired eyes. Last night I was able to sleep at 2 am in the morning. It has been like that ever since the..... well, the incident. Though most nights I was able to doze off earlier than 1 am, it doesn't really surprise me anymore if I somehow doesn't get any sleep.

Since the incident, nothing really changed with my sleeping routine even with Connor there sleeping next to me, accompanying me.

Also, maybe one of the reasons why my mind was somewhere else, is because Connor's coming back here in the Philippines. And yes, he was the person in my dream that's why I was so mad at my damn alarm clock.

Well who wouldn't be mad if you're in the good part and then suddenly......Bam! Alarm Clock ruined it all. I can almost touch his abs but then........Okay, I'm spilling out too much unwanted details, I should stop.

Anyways, He went back to his home in the U.S.A. after 2 months of staying here after we started dating.

At the time he asked if he can date me, I was beyond shaken with ultimate surprise at the same time being taken over with so much fear.

I was over-thinking. I couldn't think straight and correctly. All I could think about was the fear of what had happened to me in the past. I was terrified it will happen again.

I didn't know if I can ever trust someone that much ever again. But then there was this feeling deep inside that tells me Connor is different, and that he will never hurt me. Though I'm still scared for what might happen, I still thought about considering the "dating Connor" thing. I mean, for what he's showing me, I know he's a good person. But by experience, I know looks and actions sometimes can be very deceiving.

That's why it took me a while to process it all because I was obviously having an internal battle with myself. I was weighing the possibilities about what might happen if I did date him. And also thinking about the things that I will surely miss out on if I didn't date him. It's really hard to decide especially if you had a bad experience from your past. A very bad and traumatic experience I might add.

After an eternity-like silence in the car, I finally made a decision and I wasn't planning on turning back.

I thought I should just take the risk because when I saw Connor, All I could think was that he's totally worth it.

That was the time I looked Connor straight in the eyes. Even though I'm still not comfortable enough about eye contact, I know I needed to do it for him to know that I was dead serious.

Then I blurted out the words that can either change my life for the better or break it even more than it already is. But I'm not going to let my past hold me down from making good memories again. I know along the way of this dating thing I'll experience hardships, conflicts, and fights, but we all know that it's all normal and it's all part of growing up.

So I decided to Date Connor and now we're both doing good despite of us being in a long distance relationship. And let me tell you, right after we started dating, Connor was all mushy, corny, cheesy, cliché, sweet and all that sorts of fluff, but I love it. It made my stomach flutter all the damn time he does his weird but sweet antics.

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