"Chapter 32" ✔️

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Picture of Winter on the side.

I wanted to mention someone who just flooded me with votes the other day, but somehow, I couldn't tag him/her. You know you are, so this chapter is for you. I just want to know that I appreciate every single one of you who supports my book.

Connor's POV

Even before the gathering started, I always had this bad feeling inside and it doesn't seem to leave me alone. As I focused on Ash's emotions, I was also able to feel his uneasiness. He was scared and clearly feeling the same bad feelings as I did. I could feel how his mind races with all the thoughts running in his head, and the worries that was clearly bothering him.

I wanted to go look for him and assure him that he'll be fine because I'll keep an eye on him, but I figured he's with Arthur. And I was sure he'll do the job on easing up his worries.

That's why I was being extra cautious just in case something happens.

Now that I know what my destiny is, I have to make sure Ash is my upmost priority.

His safety comes first more than anything.

"Hey, Connor." A familiar voice called.

I whipped my head around to see the person I consider as a new friend.

I smiled warmly towards the guy who is only a tad bit taller than Ash.

"Hey, Daniel." I greeted back.

He stood next to me with a smile and a can of coke in hand.

"Enjoying the party?" He asked as he watched the people in front of us doing their own thing.

I shrugged.

"It's fine I guess," I stated simply.

"So how's the duty of being the soul protector of the Luna doing so far?" He asked with a small smile.

He knew about my situation and about my past with Ash after I told him, and since then, he always gives me that same look of sympathy whenever the subject was being brought up.

"Same old, same old. Nothing new." I said in which he nodded.

"How are you holding up though?"

I sighed as I turned my gaze towards Ash who's currently sitting next to his mate, Arthur.

"I'm doing okay. It's hard but I have to suck it up." I paused as I looked down at Danny. "I'll get used to this eventually," I added and smiled.

"You still love him, don't you?" He asked looking towards Ash and Arthur.

I smiled a sad smile.

"With every fiber of my being," I whispered.

Daniel looked up at me and placed a hand on my arm for comfort.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way for you." He said sympathetically.

I shook my head.

"It's all for the best, I guess. If it weren't for Arthur finding out Ash was his mate, I would've still been under the belief that Ash was my mate. I would have lied to Ash his whole life if destiny didn't take its original course. And I would have lied to a lot of people. And hurt a lot of people in the process." I said feeling the familiar hurt in my chest, but just like usual, I concealed it.

"I'm sure things will turn for the best for you in the future. You deserve all the happiness, Connor." He said in which I smiled down at him, feeling grateful.

Choosing Mr. Destiny (boyxboy) [To Be Edited]Where stories live. Discover now