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I convinced Uncle Mason to return home to Florida. Stay with the werewolf pack there and leave me here. I need to protect Tyler now. And after almost dying at the hands of Damon yesterday, he should leave.

Mason looks at me sadly as he stands on the porch, he gives me a bone crushing hug,

"I'm going to miss you Debria...," and he slides the moonstone into my hands secretly,

"Keep this safe..."

I hug him back lovingly, and tuck it into my pocket,

"I'm gonna miss you to Mason. Drive safe please. I'll keep you updated on the situations here."

Tyler hugs him next and so does my mother.
We all say goodbye and he gets in his car and leaves, I blow him a kiss and he smiles.

I'm glad he's going to stay safe, I tell myself as I watch him drive away, leaving me and Mystic Falls behind.

Sighing I turn to my brother and my mother,

"Let's get this Masquerade ball over with!" I smile cheerfully at them and they chuckle at my fake enthusiasm.

It's late afternoon and the house was already flushed with volunteers to help finish decorating. The party starts soon.

I decide to go a bit darker for tonight's get up, a skin tight black, long sleeved dress. After I braid back the right side of my hair, I apply red lipstick and mascara.
I slip on my black high heels and I'm ready to go.

The room I'm staying in used to be mine from when I was seven. There's a cute pink bed and a white canopy over it. White walls with little pink or purple sparkly stars everywhere. A beautiful white vanity mirror and makeup desk I had purchased yesterday sat against the wall opposite of the bed. And a balcony opens up on the left side wall, beautiful white see through drapes hung over the French doors.

I walk down the staircase of the house I grew up in. The whole party would be taking place down stairs, but I locked my bedroom door just incase.
Holding the moonstone in my hand I push it into the cup of my left bra. It's not uncomfortable, and it seems to tingle my skin. Such a weird magic stone.

I grab a black mask from the pile by the front door and walk around the party humming.
Then I smell her.

Sweet. Desperate. Bleach. Bad intentions.

"Kat. How nice to see you," I say sweetly and turn around to face her.

Katherine smiles but it's forced,

"Why did Mason leave town? He didn't even say goodbye."

"Because I convinced him to. You were just using him for the moonstone which I now have. Don't test me Kat. I'll rip you to shreds," I snarl at her, wanting so badly to just rip her throat out.

Katherine seems amused by my threat,

"You and what full moon wolf?"

I grow annoyed and let my eyes glow silver now,

"Don't test me vampire.."

I turn and walk away but she grabs my arm.

"Give me the moonstone Debria," Kat says darkly.

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