Twenty one

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I'm now back at the Salvatore boarding house and I'm sipping a glass of water, waiting for one of the brothers to return.

Im sitting on the cushioned bench in front of the fire place.

Stefan enters the house, and comes to sit next to me, 

"Oh, you're still alive. I assume, that means Klaus didn't get his coffins."

"Don't look so happy, I was only able to get one of them out in time. The locked one," I roll my eyes and sip my water again.

Stefan nods and smiles anyways, 

"Probably a good choice."

I look at him, my eyes cautioned, 

"Yeah. You know, if you're banking on Bonnie's momma to open it, you're screwed. She doesn't have any powers." I say it stubbornly because that's what Bonnie told me on the phone earlier after I called her to make sure she and her mom were alright, and that I got the locked coffin.

Stefan shakes his head, 

"Nah, doesn't surprise me. Its been that kind of night."

Stefan pauses before looking at me again, he seems hesitant, 

"I shouldn't have kidnapped you. The car, the bridge, my blood, that was too far."

"Thank you," I say without looking at him.

We stay quiet and I stand up.

"You don't wanna talk about it, that's fine. Noted. So why don't we talk about this?" I ask him and hold up the silver dagger used to kill Elijah.

Stefan's eyes go wide in surprise at this, 

"What did you do?"

**the next morning**

I'm walking through a meadow near the witches abandoned house, my feet hitting the ground gently.

I hear a rustle behind me and I turn to face the person whom I've called upon.

"Elijah. My favorite Original, back from the dead. Clean up nice," I say with a smirk.

I trust the familiarity I have always felt with Elijah. I'm a reincarnated version of the old Lycanthrope Annalise, and she and Elijah grew very close in their time together in the 1500s.

Elijah stays fairly unemotional as he looks me up and down, 

"You left something in my jacket pocket."
Elijah pulls out a note from his jacket.

"Oh, yeah. Dear Elijah, let's get together, plot the destruction of your brother, XOXO," I say and wiggle my eyebrows at him playfully.

"Debria," Elijah cautions me, his eyes guarded.

I twirl a piece of my hair around my finger, 

"Was I right to un-dagger you or are we gonna have a problem?"

Elijah's brown eyes are warm now and he steps towards me, 

"I'm here, let's talk."

"Perfect. I'll start with an easy question. Any idea what kind of Klaus-killing weapon could be magically sealed in a mystery coffin?" I ask him seriously.

Third person POV

Debria returns to the Boarding house later that evening in a skin tight, nude colored dress. She wore black heels, her hair flat ironed straight, good jewelry hung from her neck and her right wrist.

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