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It's a Monday, five in the morning to be exact. And it has been exactly one month since I left the Mikaelson's home in the French Quarter. Elijah checks on me once a week, and we've become a lot closer. Rebekah texts me from time to time, but my signal out here in the wilderness is pretty spotty.

I've heard nothing from Niklaus. Which is understandable. I didn't have any solution to offer him. I'm in love with him, but it'll never be like what I felt for Damon. And being who he is, Nik can't handle being second best.

I've been staying in one of the little houses in the bayou, next door to Jackson. It's definitely one of the nicer shacks that my wolf pack has built in the past few weeks.

Tying my hair up into a loose messy bun, I walk barefoot on the creaky floor boards towards the front of my little bungalow. I click the mouse on the old computer to start it up, it takes a good five minutes to turn on and start working, so I go to the little kitchenette.

Grabbing a mug I fill it with some warm water, then I slice a lemon from my basket of fruit on the counter and squeeze it into the warm tap water. I sip the hot lemon water gently as I walk back to the table with the computer on it to check my emails.

Only one email notification pops up, from an unknown email address.

I click on it, squinting my eyes a bit to read the message on the dimly lit screen.


It's been awhile. Coming home to find Brandon's body in the yard, and you gone. I can only assume it was Silas's doing, as another male body was torn to shreds nearby.

I can imagine the grief you are feeling, because I lost him too. My only son, my heir, my boy.

I know you are pregnant as you and Brandon told the family the week of the wedding, and I want you to know you still have a home here. I want my daughter in-law back. You are the only thing that reminds me of him. And I want to help raise the baby, here in Alaska, in Brandon's home town.

If you decide to not respond, I understand, just remember this: Your presence gave Brandon so much joy, and that is what you must remember as you move forward in this life.

- Henry Keys.

My mug drops to the floor, glass shattering everywhere, my breathing almost stops.

I forgot to tell Mr. Keys about the miscarriage.

I quickly hit reply and type a message fast.

Mr. Keys,

I am so deeply sorry for not contacting you sooner, I've been too busy cooping and figuring out what to do that I forgot.

I miscarried the baby. I don't think I have it in me to live in Alaska anymore..at least not without Brandon there as well.

Please forgive me, and do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything.

All my love,


Sighing deeply I hit send and step back from the table, rubbing my arms with my hands, trying to shake this awful feeling of dread off.

I remember it all.

Every word.

Every moment.

For the rest of my life, I will carry Brandon and the love he had for me in my heart.

** Two hours later **

"Jackson!" I call out to the tall male as he leaves his house, I'm standing on the small porch of my own little shack.

His brown eyes scan over me quickly with a friendly tint in his eyes,

"Yes Debria?"

"How were the perimeter checks this morning?" I ask him, all business in the tone of my voice.

"No breakage in our lines, no vampires want to come near us now that we can change at will," Jackson flashes a friendly smile at me, his teeth are very white.

"Perfect, thank you," I smile gratefully at him before turning to head inside. My stomach suddenly churning as I turn.

"Debria?" Jackson asks me, concern in his voice as he starts to walk over to me,

"Are you alright?"

I nod and open my front door, flashing to the small bathroom at super speed, getting there just in time to vomit into the toilet.

I hear Jackson somewhere behind me, and I feel him rub my back gently as I continue to throw up the small breakfast I had earlier.

After another minute of torture, I sit on the floor, completely exhausted from throwing up.

Jackson's eyes search my face as he crouches in front of me,

"Debria? Did you eat something bad? Whats wrong with you?"

Dread fills me up to the brim, my stomach churning again at just the slight thought of what this could mean. Lycanthropes don't get food poisoning. Nothing damages our immune system.

But then I feel my stomach with my hand, rubbing down to my lower abdomen, where the skin gets very hard. A small yet prominent bump there.

Sighing I stand up, and brush my teeth quickly while Jackson stands there wanting an explanation.

"Debria?" Jackson asks again, his voice slightly annoyed.

I look at him, my shoulders sagging slightly at the dread that seems to fill my entire body,

"I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant....again."

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