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His expression was serious, but I like how it softens when he looks at me.
The way he looks at me is different than the way he looks at anyone else.

Damon takes my hand in his hand, 

"Let's go back to my house then." His blue eyes are excited and full of adoration for me, and an underlying lust.

I look back at my front door, unsure of whether or not I should stay the night with Damon.
I can see clearly where this will go and I'm not sure I'm ready for that step with him.

I just recently re-opened my heart to him after having no humanity.
I don't think I'm ready for all of this yet.

"Damon...I want to take this slower than we have been. I could spend all the time I have kissing you because it feels so wonderful. But I want to slow this down some. Is that okay?" I ask him gently, my eyes searching his.

I see his blue eyes become a little more guarded with me, and it's sudden.

"Of course Debria. Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow," Damon lets go of my hand without another thought, his back turning on me as he walks down the front steps of my house.
I watch him as he gets into his car and drive off.

Sighing I pull out my phone as I receive a text message from Elena.

I open my phone and read it.

Elena: So I gave Klaus Rebekah back. After Stefan kidnapped you I figured I'd return one of his siblings so he would make sure we are left alone. I'm sorry about Stefan today. Don't give up hope..

Rolling my eyes to myself I don't even respond to her. I just go inside and get into bed letting sleep come over me as my tired body finds peace.

**the next morning**

I wake up early and shower, getting dressed in blue jeans, black combat boots, a green t-shirt and I tie my hair up into a pony tail. I brush my teeth and grab an apple on my way out the door.
Walking through the woods to the Boarding house I think to myself about Damon.

He's sexy.
The dangerous bad boy brother.
Yet he cares about me, that's clear.
He has romantic feelings for me, that's clear.
He's gentle and soft with those he cares about, he loves hard and he fights to protect his loved ones.

And I'm crazy about him.

My heart doesn't work right when I'm near him. He makes me feel safe, yet a little dangerous. It's passionate with him and it's unlike anything I've ever felt before.

I toss my finished apple core to the forest floor and speed the next few miles to get there quicker.

Upon opening the Salvatore's front door I hear none other than Klaus and Stefan bickering in the parlor room already and it's not even noon yet.
I dodge them pretty gracefully and head up the back hallway through the kitchen to Damon's room.

I go inside but it's empty.
My phone buzzes.

Bonnie: We found my mom. I think she's the key to helping me open the coffin that is spelled shut. Elena and I are leaving today. Keep an eye on Stefan. 

Great now I'm on ripper duty.
I head back downstairs and find it vacant.
Groaning I sniff around and try to find Stefan's scent, but it's all confused with Klaus's scent so I give up on that quickly.

Oh Stefan where could you be...?

**two hours later**

I've officially given up on trying to find Stefan and Damon has been avoiding me since our talk last night, so that's fun. Not.

I'm currently walking through the woods again and just kicking rocks and lost in thought.

My phone buzzes in my pocket again.

Bonnie: Klaus knows where the coffins are. Get to the abandoned witch house near the falls. The basement, take the sealed shut coffin and hide it in the cave that no vampire can enter.

My heart races at this new task, and I speed off to help my friends keep the coffin from Klaus.

Third person POV

**an hour later at the witch house**

Debria re-enters the room with the coffins. There are candles lit everywhere. The coffins are invisible.
Debria stops, then hears footsteps. Klaus enters from a side hallway.

Klaus smirks at her, 

"What took you so long? Hiding behind your witchy friends. And in squalor, no less."

Suddenly the candles burn brighter and Klaus falls to his knee, clutching his head and shouting in pain. The spirits of the witches are causing him to have an aneurysm over and over again.

"Insulting a bunch of dead witches...not smart," Debria snickers at him, crossing her arms over her chest.

The pain subsides and Klaus speaks in a forced, strained voice, 

"Well, you know, the funny thing about witches is, that living or dead, they care about their own. A hundred dead witches have a thousand living descendants."

The pain returns. Klaus shouts out in pain.
He then talks in a loud voice, addressing the empty room, 

"And I have no problem, killing every last one of them, if I don't get my coffins back. As we speak, my hybrid friend is prepared to end the Bennett line."

The candles die down suddenly, and Klaus isn't in pain anymore. 

He again talks to the room, 

" me the coffins."

Now he can see the coffins.
The dead witches had been hiding them with their magic since Stefan had them all hidden here. But there's only three coffins in the room.

"Here we are," Klaus looks around the room and then looks at Debria, 

"Where's the fourth?," He shouts at the empty room again, 

"Show me!"

Debria chuckles playfully at the enraged hybrid, 

"Well, here's the thing. They can't. It's not here."

Klaus steps towards her, his eyes ablaze in anger, 

"What did you do?"

"Well, Bonnie gave me the heads-up. I didn't have enough time, to get all four, but I did have time to get one," Debria plays with her ponytail, un-afraid of Klaus.

Klaus growls at her, his feelings for her gone in this moment, he hates when others have leverage, 

"I will tear you, limb from limb. And only then, when you're a riving mass of blood and flesh, will I rip your heart from your chest."

"Sorry. The same rules apply. You know, leverage and all. I know you want your family back. But something tells me, you want what's in that coffin a lot more," Debria shrugs and turns, leaving the witch house and the hybrid behind.

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