Invisible Brad Returns

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Cassi's POV:

  My alarm clock screamed and I rolled over and hit it. I couldn't stand getting up, but I had too. I pulled myself up and out of bed. I searched through my closet till I found something I wanted to wear.

  After throwing the clothes I chose on I went to the bathroom to put my contacts in. I didn't like wearing glasses, so I always wore contacts.

My hair was a mess. I brushed through it two or three times before styling it. I ended up wearing my hair in a bun. It wasn't the best bun ever, but hey it didn't look bad.

As soon as I was done I went back to my room and grabbed my book bag. I was in 8th grade at Swellview Middle School. Once my book bag was slumped over my shoulder I left my room and went downstairs.

I hadn't even made it down the stairs when I heard someone yelling for me, "Cassi! You're so dead!" Automatically I knew who it was. It was my boyfriend's little sister, Piper.

"What did I do Piper?" I shot back. She blamed me for everything. When I mean everything I actually mean everything. If the internets not working I'm to blame. If there's a banging I'm to blame. She despised me and I didn't know why. I had never done anything to her.

"You stole my laptop," she replied coming down to the platform before the second set of stairs. She stared at me. She looked me right in the eyes anger shooting through her.

"I didn't touch your laptop, Piper," I told her continuing my way down the stairs.

  "I know you did," she stated rushing down so she could stop me from going down the stairs. "Then how come it was in your room?"

  I hadn't taken it, but I knew who had. "Henry!" I screamed.

"Yeah?" He asked coming down the stairs. His beautiful blonde hair was neat. He was wearing a white shirt that was long sleeved and jeans.

  "Why'd you frame me?" I asked as he came up next to me.

  "Frame you for what exactly?" He asked grabbing my hand.

  "Stealing Piper's laptop," I replied. I let him hold my hand. I didn't resist. He was my boyfriend after all.

  "I didn't do that. Was it in your room?" He asked. I nodded. At that moment we looked at each other.

I pulled him over to the side. It was easy since we were still holding hands. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked. He nodded.

  At the same time we both said, "Brad."  If you don't know about Invisible Brad let me tell you about him. He's a jerk. That's actually a great note to start on. First, he wanted Henry and I's job and faked his death. Then he pushed us, Henry, Ray, and I, into a casket. Fun, right?

"We have to talk to Ray sometime today," Henry stated.

"Definitely," I agreed.

Soon we went to school. When we were walking to our lockers we noticed Charlotte and Jasper walking towards us. We instantly pulled them aside. "Charlotte, we have a big problem," I instantly said.

"Charlotte? Why not talk to me too? I'm part of the team now," said Jasper.

I waved him off and turned back to Charlotte. "What's wrong?" She asked me. "How bad is it?"

"Bad," Henry replied.

"Ok, talk to me."

"Two words," Henry said, "Invisible."

"Brad," I added.

  "What?!" Charlotte screamed.

  "Who's Invisible Brad?" Asked Jasper. Again I shrugged him off

"Invisible Brad is back," I said slowly. I made sure every word was clear.

"He can't be. Wait we bear sprayed him, didn't we?" She asked.

"Yep. That was an interesting sight," Henry replied.

"We have to tell Ray," I said.

"Definitely," Charlotte agreed. Then the bell rang. We walked to class. All four of us had class together.

As we were walking to class Jasper kept asking the same question. All he asked was, "Who the heck is Invisible Brad."

I finally turned to him. "Listen Jasper you don't want to know," I replied.

"I do," he said back. "I'm a part of this team too. I got the job. I work with you. Please just tell me."

"Remember that time Ray, Cassi, and I were in a casket?" Asked Henry.

"Yep," he replied.

"Invisible Brad knocked us into it. You see he used a shovel and hit us in the head. We fell in and he nailed it shut. All he said was 'Nail, Nail, Nail, Nail, Nail' and it was so annoying!"

"Ok Henry, we need to be quieter. We need to be the only people who know about this," I told him.

Soon we were sitting in class. Jasper was doodling, Charlotte and I were copying the notes off the chalk board, and Henry was just sitting there. You could tell he was bored.

"Ok class, today we are learning about World War II. So what you want to do is take out your iPads and research. You will be working on a project with a partner. And did I mention you pick your partner," Miss Shapen said. This was one nice thing she did. "Well move and find a partner."

Instantly I went towards Henry. Another girl named Anna rushed for Henry too. We got there at the same time. "Hey Henry," she said as she batted her eyelashes, "Do you want to be my partner?" I rolled my eyes. She sat down next to him.

Henry had noticed me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down into another seat next to him. "Sorry I'm working with Cassi," he said.

Anna instantly rolled her eyes and said, "whatever."

  After school we rushed to the man cave. We went down the elevator, then threw out book bags on the ground like normal. "Hey Ray we have a problem," Charlotte stated.

"Brad is back. Brad is back!" Ray screamed.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"He cracked a bat over my head. After than he talked to me. His cold and sickening voice is what I heard for three hours. He kept begging me to be my sidekick instead of Henry and Cassi," replied Ray.

"He framed me," I said, "for a stealing Piper's laptop. Luckily she didn't hurt me. Well she at least hasn't yet."

  A voice came from the room as the elevator opened, "Hey guys!" It was Brad.

  Anger built up in me. I felt like I was a volcano. Blood pumping fast through my veins. My heart pumping faster from my fury. My heart burned like it was on fire. "Brad! I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled. I didn't know where he was, but my goal was to kill him.

  Eventually, he had put on sunglasses thinking we'd never find him. He was wrong. Ray bear sprayed him and the cops took him to jail. I don't know how they knew he was there as he was invisible. I was pretty sure he was finally out of our lives. At least that's what I hoped.

  A few minutes late I got a call on my phone. I grabbed my Rose Gold iPhone and looked at the screen. It was Phoebe.

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