The House Rented?

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Henry's POV:

So afterwards we sat there watching the news and I was setting up my new phone.

On our way home from work, Jasper found a kid in a bush. He decided to take him home and name him Barfield. Charlotte, Cassi, and I literally argued with him all the way back to my house.

We walked in yelling at him telling him that it wasn't our responsibility.

"See look this is a house," Jasper said walking in after us to his "son." My father and sister were just fighting and stopped and looked at us as we all came in arguing, well besides Jasper. "House," repeated Jasper

"House," said the little boy.

"Whats so hard about saying house?" Asked my dad. "House. House. House. See not hard at all."

"Dad, will you tell Jasper he can't take this kid?" I asked my dad.

"His name is Barfield," Jasper said.

"No it's not. Nobody's name is Barfield. Nothing in this galaxy is named Barf anything!" I yelled.

"Okay, why don't you fly to Spain and tell that to the nice people of Barfelona?" Jasper asked.

"It's Barcelona," Cassi corrected him.

"Shut up!" He yelled at her. She threw her hands up backing away.

"There is something wrong with you," I stated plain out.

Then the doorbell rang. "Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Doesn't anybody knock anymore?" My dad asked. "Everybody's always so worried about their precious knuckles," he added shaking his head. He opened the door revealing two cops. "Oh."

We all looked at Jasper. Then my dad turned to Piper and was like, "Piper what'd you do?"

"Can we come in?" One of the cops asked.

"Okay," My dad said and as they walked in he closed the door.

I just nodded towards them as they walked in and Jasper burst out, "Did one of you guys call the cops on me?"

"I'm really not sure, you know I didn't," I said pointing at Charlotte as I was talking. "So," I added.

"Charlotte!" Jasper yelled crossing his arms.

"Thanks, why don't we go outside so you can throw me under an actual bus," she said.

"Look we, uh, found this kid," I started.

Jasper interrupted, "I found him, in a neighborhood bush."

"Neighborhood bush," one of the cops repeated writing it down.

Charlotte sat down on the couch and added, "And now our friend here, Jasper, thinks he can keep him."

"Yeah he can. He's right," the same cop said.

"What?" I asked.

"Ha!" Jasper yelled.

"Wait, seriously?" Cassi asked.

"Yes, the rightful parents have forty-eight hours to claim the child," the other cop explained.

"But, if they don't the child belongs to whoever found him," the cop that had first told us he could keep him said.

"I told you so," Jasper said.

"What?" Charlotte screamed.

"Well, See ya," one of the cops said walking out.

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