On a Hunt

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Henry's POV:

   I waited for Cassi for two hours before getting worried. I hadn't seen her since she was coming home from school. I had to stay behind to do something before I headed home. When I got back to my house she wasn't there. I then waited two hours and she still wasn't back.

I went to Junk'N Stuff and everyone was up in the store. "Hey guys," I said.

"Hey Henry, where's Cassi?" Ray asked.

"She's not here with you?" I asked.

"No, she didn't come in. I mean I didn't see her come in and we haven't been down in the man cave so maybe she slipped in and went down there," Ray said.

I went down to the man cave and checked everywhere. Cassi was no where to be found. "Gosh darn it!" I yelled at no one. I was worried and frustrated. I headed back upstairs and was met by everyone again. "She's not down there."

"She's not at your house?" Jasper asked.

"I wouldn't be coming here searching for her if she was Jasper!" I yelled in exasperation.

"Geez, Henry, calm down," Jasper told me.

"I can't calm down Jasper! My girlfriend is missing! Gone! We have nothing to go on! We have no way to find out where she is! What if she's gone forever?!" I yelled.

"Henry, take a few deep breaths. We'll find her," Charlotte told me.

We looked everywhere for her. We looked throw buildings and woods. Eventually we looked through a set of woods and found a small barn. It looked abandoned.

We looked around it. In the back there was a path. We started to walk down the path and it led to large mansion far ahead. We got a glimpse of it before going up to it. The gates were locked, but there were cars inside.

"How do we get these gates unlocked?" Ray asked, looking at everyone of us with him.

"I got this," Schwoz said, walking up to the gate with some kind of device. "I made this. It can unlock any lock without a key."

The door unlocked and we pushed open the gates softly. We made sure not to be too loud so that way the person inside wouldn't hear it. We got in and looked through all the car windows.

It was a long drive way with a circle and fountain in the middle. Moss lined the driveway and climbed its way up the walls along with the vines.

"Guys, this looks like a haunted house," Ray commented in a whisper. "I'm excited to go in."

"I just want to find Cassi," I said.

"Yeah, we know," he commented back.

We eventually got to the door and slowly pushed it. It creaked loudly as it swung open on its hinges by itself. "Creepy," Jasper remarked as we watched it.

We snuck in. The floorboards made loud noises though, making it hard to keep ourselves hidden, but somehow we managed to do it. I recognized a few faces in the living room. Luckily, the only one that knew me and Ray without our masks was Gwen.

We were able to sneak through and into multiple rooms. There wasn't a sight of anyone in any of them. We tried upstairs, still no signs of Cassi or in fact anyone. We eventually went down into the basement. The steps were loud and creaked with every step.

We got down to the bottom. I noticed Cassi in the corner and walked over to her. She was out cold. All of a sudden, I heard people behind me. "Hello Henry, Ray, Jasper, Charlotte, Schwoz, what are you doing here?" Gwen asked.

A/N: So I am back. Sorry it took a while for this chapter, but it's been a really rough week for my family and I. I am back though, so here's your chapter and the next one should be coming soon!

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