History Test

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A/N: Neonic Disease is made up. It's not a real disease, so do not worry!! Now onto the chapter!

Henry's POV:

I didn't know who was in the house. I made sure Cassi was down. I wouldn't let her get hurt. "Henry, I'll be fine. I do have superpowers, remember?" She asked me. She yanked her arm away.

"I remember. You've only reminded me twenty million times," I said rolling my eyes. "I know you can take care of yourself Cassi, I just don't want anything happening. Like the toddler mishap," I reminded her.

"Right," she said. "Still I'll be ok." She peered over the top of the couch. She then bobbed her head back down.

"See anything?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she said, "it's our boss." She pulled me up and walked over to turn on the lights. Then she pointed at Ray in the center of the room.

"Oh," I said trying to laugh off my embarrassment. "How did I not notice it was you?"

"I don't know Henry. Stop trying to hide your embarrassment. We all know you're embarrassed," Ray remarked.

I took a minute to sneak a glare at him. He did notice and gave me one back.

"Stop glaring at each other!" Cassi yelled.

  Both Ray and I looked away from each other. I made sure to say something though. "Why are you even here?" I snapped.

  "Because Schwoz made a comment about a disease that I should warn you about!" He retorted.

  "A disease?" Cassi asked moving closer to where Ray and I stood.

  "Yeah. I don't know what it's called, but it's caused by inhaling the gas Neon. It's very life threatening. The bad thing is there are Neon signs all over town. They've been breaking and people have been getting this disease. I just remembered what it was called. It's called Neonic disease," Ray explained.

  "I've actually heard of that," Cassi remarked. "If I read the book right it said that the symptoms are bone rattling chills, nausea, headaches, blackouts, and loss of memory. You get your memory back. Most of the time you just don't remember what you just did or were going to do."

  "Do you read books on everything?" I asked Cassi. She seemed to have so much knowledge on everything.

  "No, not every little thing in the world. Just important things. I read about a lot of diseases and issues in the world. Also everything I need to know for school," she explained.

  "So how life threatening is it?" I asked looking at both Ray and Cassi. They both seemed to know about it.

  "Well unless you can get the cure it can kill you in three weeks. It can get through your system really fast, but at least it's not contagious," said Cassi.

  "Yeah. The cure is really hard to find though," Ray added.

"Then hopefully none of us get it," I remarked.

  The next day rolled around quickly. I got up to get ready for school and I didn't see Cassi at all in her room.

  When I went downstairs I noticed my mom making breakfast. "Hey mom, where's Cassi?" I asked.

  "At school already. Remember that test she had to take today?" She asked me.

  "Yeah. What about it?"

"They're gonna take all day. She had to be there an hour ago. They're over at seven."

"Seven at night?" I asked. My jaw dropped. It would take that long until I could see Cassi again.

"Yes, Henry, seven at night," my mom said calmly.

Soon, it was seven at night. I paced back and forth. It was past seven actually. Like it was close to eight.

  Where was she? The school was only three minutes away and she was always home in four.

  Two hours passed and she finally came home. "Cassi!" I screamed running to the door. I opened it and immediately hugged her.

  She hugged, but pulled back. "Is everything ok?" I asked.

  "Yeah, I just have a headache. It's not a big deal," she replied.

  "Did you pass any neon signs on the way home?" I asked recognizing one of the symptoms she, herself, had said.

  "Yeah, why?" She asked.

  "Was it broken?"
  "I don't remember!"

  "Headaches is one of the symptoms of Neonic disease," I told her.

  "Oh no. I really have a bad feeling about this now," she said.

  "Me too."


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