Back in the Hospital

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Cassi's POV:

As Henry sat down in the chair next to me I noticed the bright sunlight outside the window. The light pierced my eyes like swords. And was it a sharp sword too. It filtered through the room trying to cheer me up. It didn't work.

I looked back over at him. "Ray gave me the cure," I said in a small voice. I'm pretty sure it sounded weak. It sounded fragile like a baby bird.

"I heard," he told me smiling. "I'm really glad."

"Yeah, me too." I said laughing a bit.

"So how are you feeling?" Henry asked moving his chair a bit closer. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly.

I smiled, "Better. I've only been here for like thirty minutes to an hour, Henry."

  "I know, I know," he said smiling slightly.

Next thing I knew I heard the door open. "Hi!" Came a booming voice as it walked into the room. I realized it was my dad. His loud voice could probably be heard for miles.

"Hi dad," I said.

"Hi Mr. Thunderman," Henry said with a nod. He was really scared of my dad and I agreed that he was scary. Even I was scared of him sometimes.

"I'm gonna ask the same question as last time-" he started before I cut him off.

"No, I haven't even been here for a night yet. How did you find out about it dad?" I asked.

"Well, I was flying over Swellview when I saw Captain Man talking to your friend Grace so I swooped down and asked Captain Man what they were talking about and he knows me, so he told me what had happened," my dad explained without taking a breath. He finally did after he was done speaking.

"Ok, dad, you better go get a drink of water. I'm ok here," I said half smiling.

"Alright," he said walking out of the room leaving Henry and I alone again.

"What was your dad gonna ask?" Henry asked me.

  "Same thing as last time," I said sighing.

  "Oh," Henry said remembering. He had a sparkle in his eyes and it was beautiful. Well at least to me.

  I was getting flustered as I stared into his eyes and then when my dad came back in I got snapped back into reality.

  "Oh honey," my dad had started to say. Those were the exact words that got me back into reality.

  "Ha, yes?" I asked quite confused.

  "Your mother and Chloe are coming up in about ten minutes. They just arrived in Swellview with the Thunder Van," my dad said.

  "Thunder Van?" Henry asked.

  "It's our family vehicle. How the superheroes get places except my dad who can fly," I replied.

  "Yeah Henry," my dad said like Henry was dumb.

  I gave my dad a glare and he backed off a bit. He could be scared of me sometimes. Why? Well, he was afraid of my freezing and heating powers as well as my telekinesis. He was also freaked out by my hypermotility. That was unusual because he had super strength.

  Soon my mom and Chloe arrived. "Hi mom," I said smiling. "Hi Chloe."

I was so happy when I was out of the hospital. I could go to school I could just sit around in the living room and hang with Henry. I could hang with my friends. It was great.

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