New Girl Next Door

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Henry's POV:

  One day when Cassi and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie alone I heard a knock at the door. After, I heard Piper complaining about the noise. Were my parents home already? Was Cassi's dad here? Please no.

  I got up from the couch and walked over to the wooden door. I opened it and saw a girl with long brown hair. "Hi," she said smiling.

"Do I know you?" I asked puzzled. I didn't know who she was. I had never send her before.

"No. I just moved in next door. I'm Lizzie Collins," she said.

"Henry Hart," I said reaching out my hand for her to shake. She took it and did shake it. I was surprised Cassi hadn't gotten up to see what was going on. "Hey Cassi, come here," I said.

Cassi got up and walked over.

"Hi, I'm Lizzie Collins. I moved in next door. Wait, are you two twins? You look the same age and look similar," she said smiling.

"No," I said,"This is Cassidy Thunderman. She's my girlfriend. She just lives here because of something with her parents."

"Oh," Lizzie said. "How long have you guys been dating?"

"A few months," Cassi replied.

"That's cool," she said now kind of awkward. "Well, um, I have to go. Bye." With that she ran off. I didn't know why. I couldn't understand.

"Hey," Cassi started, "what was that about?"

"I don't know why she ran off like that," I replied truthfully. "Was it something I said?"

Cassi shrugged. "Come on, I had to pause the movie because of you," she said.

I followed her and we started the movie once again. The doorbell rang.

"Can't we ever have a time where no one interrupts one date we have?" Cassi asked.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"Jasper!" The voice came back loud and clear.

I sighed. "Come in!" I called as the door swung open.

"Hey guys, what are we watching?" Jasper asked.

"You're not watching anything," Cassi said with a hint of anger in her voice.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you should go talk to Charlotte or Ray. You could also go talk to that new girl. Just please don't interrupt again," shot Cassi.

"Ok, ok. I know I interrupt your dates sometimes," Jasper stated.

"Sometimes?" I asked.

"Ok. All the time. I'm leaving now, so don't worry."

  With that Jasper left. "You happy now?" I asked laughing.

  "Yep," Cassi replied nodding her head.

  I unpaused the movie. She laid her head on my shoulder and I couldn't  help, but smile. This was the girl I wanted in my life for a long time. Even as long as forever.

Eventually, the movie ended and Cassi was out. When I say out I mean out cold. She literally wouldn't move.

It was about 2:00 AM when there was a knock on the door. Cassi was still asleep on the couch and I woke up to the noise. I went to open the door and standing outside in the cold was Lizzie.

"Why are you here Lizzie?" I asked. I mean she could get in her house there wasn't any snow. In fact it was March.

"I got locked out of my house and my folks aren't home. I was wondering if I could stay here overnight," she said innocently.

"Sure," I replied. At the time I didn't know her as well as I should have.

As the night progressed, things seemed to be going fine. My parents weren't gonna be home for a couple days and we had people checking in on us every once and a while.

At 5:00 AM, though, something changed. The atmosphere seemed darker and scarier. It seemed gray and cold like someone dangerous was nearby. That someone was a threat. The threat was right in this very house.

  That threat was Lizzie.

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