Without You

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Cassi's POV:

   "How are we coming on the bail?" Charlotte asked.

"Pretty good," Ray commented, even though he was sitting there, playing a video game.

"Ray, you need to focus!" I yelled at him, frustrated.

   "Geez, calm down Cassi," he told me, putting his controller down and turning towards me. "What's your problem?"

   "What's my problem?" I asked him, practically screaming. "My problem is my boyfriend is in jail and you're not working on his bail like you promised you would!" I sat down and buried my face in my hands.

"It'll be okay," Charlotte told me, sitting down and putting a hand on my shoulder. "We're going to get him out. We won't stop until he's out."

"It's never gonna work, guys. We're not lawyers or anything. They'll never listen to us. It's hopeless," I said, defeating myself. I pushed the thought of optimism away. I felt alone and I felt like nothing was going to change.

"We're going to get him out if it's the last thing we do, right guys?" Charlotte asked. Everyone nodded. "Everyone get back to work."

          It took weeks to finally get the bail finished and to get the money. Once we had everything set we went down to the courthouse. We handed the money and the paperwork in. "We're bailing Henry Hart out," Ray said, a small smile on his lips.

   The person behind the desk raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Henry Hart has been moved from Swellview."

A/N: I'm so so sorry updates have been really slow lately. I'm at a huge writer's block for all my stories, plus I've also been focusing on my Fantastic Beasts ones as well. This one I was especially having writer's block for and that's why this chapter is so short. Hopefully my mind will be back to writing long chapters in this story in no time. In the mean time, please give me some ideas, it would be so helpful.
Thanks Guys! ❤️💙

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