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Henry's POV:

  Soon, we were at the scene. The Toddler was sitting in a plush chair waiting for us. "Well, Well, Well. If it isn't Captain Man, Kid Danger, and Girl Danger," he said.

  I immediately looked at Cassi who looked actually scared for once. She was never scared at crime scenes. Maybe she knew that he was working for this Dark Mayhem guy. Nobody else knew. Maybe he was working with creepy murderous clowns. Who knew?

"Yeah we're here," I said confidently. It was really stupid, but I couldn't come up with something better.

  Ray looked at me. He walked over and whispered something in my ear, "That was such a stupid comeback Henry."

  "I know that. Do you have anything better?" I whispered back. He shook his head. "Then don't tell me that it was stupid."

  "Is Superhero and sidekick having an argument?" Asked the toddler.

  "Just shut up!" I yelled at him.

  "Am I making someone angry?"

  I rolled my eyes and kicked him in the leg. "No, you're just really annoying," I told him.

  Cassi burned his hand by using her heat breath. She was trying to draw his attention off me. It definitely worked. The Toddler was now going after her. I knew she could handle herself considering all the super powers she had.

  She fought him for a while before Ray took over, but he had brought some minions with him. Cassi and I went on to fighting them. She froze one while I made one cry and fall on the ground.

  More minions kept appearing, but Cassi and I had them under control. She was able to freeze them or burn them or knock them out. Half the time I just made them cry. I didn't know how, but it worked.

  Watching Ray and the toddler fight was amusing. It was basically just arguing. The fight never got physical. "Oh, so you think you're all that just because you won the best looking man in Swellview? You're are not the best looking man in Swellview no matter what that magazine says!" The toddler was saying. For Ray things were getting real.

  "That is not true! You're just jealous," Ray said.

  "I'm not jealous!"

  "Yes you are!"

  "Why would I be jealous of a guy who thinks he's all that?" Asked the Toddler.

  "I don't think I'm all that!" Screamed Ray.

  "You kind of do," I put in.

  "Shut up Kid Danger," Ray said to me.

  "No, I like this kid!" The Toddler yelled at Ray.

  "Kid Danger, you don't like the toddler, right?" Asked Ray.

  "No, not really. He's a freak in diapers," I said.

  The Toddler looked taken aback. He looked like he had just been hit in the stomach. It was like he took offense to that. Why would he though? He was a villain that everybody disliked. He knew that and so did everyone else here. "You know what?" Asked the toddler.

  "What?" I asked.

  "You just offended me, do I'm gonna do something bad to something that's important to you," he said.

  I didn't know what he was talking about. "What are you gonna do?" I asked laughing it off. What could he do? It's not like he knows my identity so therefore he couldn't find out anything that was important. Well at least that's what I thought at first.

  "I'm gonna do this," He said as he grabbed Cassi. "I'm gonna hurt something important to you."

  I gasped. I promised to protect her and I couldn't let her down. "Don't you dare touch her!" I screamed.

  "And what are you gonna do about it?" He asked as pulled out a weapon of some sort.

  I stepped closer. "Hand her over! Now!" I screamed.

  Instead of handing her over he threw her across the alleyway. She landed on the hard pavement. I ran as fast as I could over to her. I felt her pulse and everything. The toddler had disappeared, but I didn't care at this point. "Call 911," I told Ray, "She has no pulse!"

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