Danger and Thunder Together Again?

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A/N: So I'm actually getting back surgery in a little less than a month so this part is going to be going along with that even though I haven't had it yet. It's kind of a true story.

Cassi's POV:

  I ran over to the girl and hugged her. After all she was family. Henry turned on the light to reveal my older sister Phoebe. She was only two years older, but she felt like a best friend to me.

  "So why are you here again?" Asked Henry. He was just being curious like always.

  "I thought you would need some help while Cassi couldn't fight crime. Since she can't really do for a few months starting in a few days," Phoebe replied. Oh great this was about to go wrong.

  "What do you mean?" Henry asked. "She's perfectly capable to fight crime."

  "Not after she gets surgery in a few days," Phoebe told him.

  "What? What the heck are you talking about? Cassi has not mentioned a surgery at all! Cassi what's going on? Tell me the truth!" He yelled.

  I burst into tears and ran upstairs. I didn't really want to talk about it. It was already upsetting me that I had to get it in the first place. I couldn't tell Henry. I was still trying to deal with it myself.

A/N: For me I'm actually happy to get this surgery. My back will be straighter because this is actually for scoliosis.

  Let me explain this first; I got scoliosis after a huge growth spirt I had in fourth grade. They found it was only a small curve, but it got bigger. Recently it went up a lot in a little amount of months, so they decided I needed surgery.

  I heard Phoebe say, "Great job Henry!" Then, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

  "Hey," I heard Henry's voice say. He sounded calm and gentle. He sat down beside me on my bed and put an arm around me.

  I buried my head into his shoulder and cried even harder. I was too upset to talk. I was waiting till I was ready to tell Henry, but it slipped out of Phoebe before I was.

  "What's wrong? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked.

  "I wasn't ready. I don't really want to talk about this," I said through sniffles and tears.

  Henry was basically hugging me now. He was trying to calm me down and to get me to talk to him. He was trying to help me.

"It's ok Cassi," he said. "I understand why you didn't tell me. Everything will be fine Cassi. I'll be right there after the surgery," he added.

I nodded. He has cheered me up a lot. "Hey Henry?" I asked.


"Can you stay with me just for tonight?"

"Yeah," he replied. "But first I have to go tell your sister what room she's staying in. He kissed my forehead and walked out.

I changed into my pajamas and got back into bed and just laid there staring at the ceiling. Soon Henry came back in. He sat down next to me and then hugged me. I fell into a fast sleep.

A few days later was the night before the surgery. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't eat or drink. I was also really nervous.

The next morning dawned bright. I packed everything in my duffel bag and was ready. I got dressed and dos everything I needed too.

My arrival time was at 11:00. It was now 10:00. I had woken up at 9:30 and it took thirty minutes just to do everything.

As soon as we were ready, Phoebe drove us to the hospital. Henry and her were gonna be waiting and then so was my other family. My mom was gonna be in the operating room until I was asleep with anesthesia.

  I was nervous, but ready. Soon I was in the operating room. I was taking deep breaths. Then, I felt a needle stick my arm. It took a few minutes, but soon I was out like light.

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