Job Loss

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Henry's POV:

   Cassi and I met Ray at the man cave the day Ray planned us to carry out his master plan as he called it. "So what is this plan, Ray?" I asked him, sitting down on the couch.

   "We're gonna shoot these darts at him," he told the two of us.

   "Is it safe?" Cassi asked, sitting down next to me. I put my arm around her shoulders as I looked at Ray waiting for his response.

   "You think if it wasn't safe I would do it," he responded.

   Cassi and I looked at each other and then back up at him. "Yeah you would," we said in unison.

   He rolled his eyes. "Just watch this." He put glasses on and put a dart in them. He sent it flying towards me. I quickly caught it with my super power and threw it onto the ground. "Henry, I gave you your power to stop criminals, not to stop me from my demonstrations."

   "You think I'm gonna let you hit me with these darts?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Exactly, I'm not."


   It didn't take long to get to the Frittles Factory. I mean it took two hours, but it felt like it went faster.

   We had disguised ourselves as workers with different names. None of us looked like ourselves. That was a good thing because we wouldn't get caught. If we had got caught impersonating workers we might have gotten arrested.

   Anyways, we went into the factory and stood at a station. We didn't do any work or anything since we didn't know what we doing (surely Cassi could have figured it out, but we didn't want to do work either.)

   Eventually, my dad walked in. He was talking with the manager when my sister walked in. She demanded that we didn't move. For once I actually loved my sister.

   When Ray tried to shoot my dad with the dart he hit my sister instead. My sister went nuts. "They make people act crazy?" I asked him. He just nodded in response.

   When he tried again he hit the manager of the factory. "Ray!" Cassi whispered, but scolded him. He started going nuts immediately.

   Eventually, the manager hit a button causing the factory to have a siren blowing. "Not again!" The manager yelled. The three of us looked at each other. Everyone ran out of the building and so did we.


   "Sorry about your job, dad," I told him, after he finished telling the story. Cassi and I had already knew the whole thing, but he couldn't know that.

   "It's okay. Maybe, it just wasn't for me," he admitted, sighing. I patted his shoulder and walked over to sit on the couch.

   "Can we get food?" Piper asked, not even caring about what happened. She didn't even act sympathetic. I mean none of us were really, but she didn't even fake it.

  "Yeah, sure, whatever," my dad said, standing up, "but I'm not making it. I'm too upset."

  "Okay, whatever, mom make me food," Piper demanded to our mom.


   A few days passed and nothing really happened. Well that was until we found that The Toddler had come back. He showed up in the man cave and well the rest of it is a long story.

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