Every Brunette needs a blonde best friend

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Cassi's POV:

  Soon I was out of the hospital. I was back in school. I could see all my friends, especially one of my bestest friends ever.

  You know the saying, "Every Brunette needs a Blonde best friend," right? Well Grace Williams is my blonde best friend. I was so happy when I got to see her again.

She was also really good friends with Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper. I hadn't told her about being a sidekick yet. She did know about my superpowers though. I guess you could call her my Cherry.

Cherry was Phoebe's best friend. She had blonde hair and knew about our powers. Her and Grace were alike and were actually good friends. Last time I went to hiddenville I brought Grace. Her and Cherry had gotten along really well. They actually still text to this day. The only difference was that Grace was smart and Cherry was not the smartest.

As soon as I saw Grace approach me I felt a burst of happiness. She knew about my hospital visit and why, but didn't know how. I finally decided it was time to tell her about my secret identity.

When Grace reached me I couldn't help, but smile. "Hey," I said.

"Hey," she said back. "How are you feeling?"

"Good," I replied. "Look, Grace, there's something I need to tell you."

"Ok. You can tell me anything," she stated.

I grabbed her arm and quickly pulled her into a janitor's closet. I closed the door behind us. Then I locked. "You have to swear on your like that you won't tell anyone, got it?" I asked.

"Yeah. If it's a secret then it's between only me and you," she replied smiling.

  "Well it's a secret between you, me, my boss at Junk'N Stuff, Henry, Jasper, and Charlotte. Same with the workers at Junk'N Stuff," I told her.

  "Well what is it?" She asked. There was a look of curiosity on her face. There was no hurt that I didn't share it with her.

"I'm Girl Danger," I told her.

Her jaw dropped. She looked like she had just heard that there was not gonna be a new season of her favorite show. The look on her face was shock. "That's awesome!" She yelled.

"Keep your voice down Grace. Henry is Kid Danger and my boss is Captain Man," I added. I was happy I had finally told her the truth. "I'm gonna try to get you job in the man cave. You're like Charlotte, you're super smart. She works with computers down in the man cave. You could help her."

  "That would be the best Cassi," she told me smiling. She looked happy for me. "I'm proud of you Cassi. You're an amazing sidekick. I really hope you can get me a job too." She wouldn't stop smiling.

  "Thanks Grace," I told her. "Now let's get to class." With that we walked out of the janitor's closet and to class.

  Classes that day were long and hard. I usually loved to learn, but today I didn't. Today I'd rather be at home reading historical fiction novels. I did that at the hospital a lot.

After school, Henry, Charlotte, Jasper, and I walked to Junk'N Stuff like every other day. When we got there I immediately went to talk to Ray to ask him about Grace.

It took a lot of begging, but I got her job. He had eventually given in saying that two heads were better than one. I called Grace and told her to come to Junk'N stuff. When she arrived I took her down to the man cave.

  "So Ray, this is Grace," I said introducing the two.

  "Hi, it's great to meet you. I love mathematics and science so I'm gonna do the best in this job! Thank you so much for letting me have this job," Grace said to Ray.

  "You're welcome Grace," he said. He actually seemed to like her like he liked the rest of us. He smiled and they chatted for a bit. I could tell that this team had just gotten even better.

  Then Ray turned to the rest of us. "Oh yeah guys, I need to introduce you to someone," he said smiling.

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