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Henry's POV:

  We rushed off. As soon as we got in the man van Cassi looked confused. "Henry, I know I've heard that voice before!" She yelled.

  "You're sure Cassi?" I asked her.

  "Yes, I am sure. I know I've heard that voice before. This has to be a trick," She said. "Ray we have to stop this car."

  "Why?" He asked.

  "We're being led right into a trap. The girl who called, she said her name was Colleen. Her real name is Caitlyn Mulford. What did she say her address was?" Cassi asked. 

  "176 Martin Avenue 16004," Ray replied back.

  "Go there! Now!" She yelled.

  Ray turned the car around and headed to her house. He parked the car and the three of us got out. Ray pounded on the door and when no one answered he kicked it down.

"Ray!" Cassi yelled.

"What?" He asked.

"You can't just kick someone's door in!" She yelled again.

"Well I did," he said before he walked right inside.

Cassi rolled her eyes and followed him. I followed her in too.

When Ray saw Caitlyn he yelled, "You there! Why'd you try to trick us?"

A/N: Caitlyn looks like the pic down below

  "What the heck are you talking about?" Caitlyn asked

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"What the heck are you talking about?" Caitlyn asked. "My friend was kidnapped!"

"Don't lie! You work for Dark Mayhem!" Cassi yelled.

"So what if I do, Cassidy Thunderman?" Caitlyn asked. She turned to Cassi and stared her straight in the eye. It was a really cold stare that didn't break for several minutes.

"How do you know my name?" Cassi asked.

"It's just like you said, I work for Dark Mayhem," she replied.

"You kidnapped that girl, didn't you?" I asked.

"I don't need to tell you anything, Henry Hart!" Caitlyn screamed.

"How do you know my name too? I have nothing to do with Dark Mayhem!" I screamed.

"You're dating one of the target victims smart one," Caitlyn said rolling her eyes.

"I'm going to find that girl you claimed was kidnapped by someone else!" Cassi yelled. She started to walk away when Caitlyn threw her across the room and she hit her head off the TV.

"This is one time where I wish I was indestructable," Cassi said just before she fell unconsciousness.

"Really? You just had to knock out one of my sidekicks?" Ray asked. He basically screamed.

"Calm down, Ray," I said.

"Oh yes and I haven't said anything about Ray Manchester yet. What to say about you?" Caitlyn asked.

"Don't say anything about Ray!" I yelled.

"I can say anything I want too Henry!" Caitlyn screamed.

Next thing I knew, Caitltn was on the floor sprawled out. She was knocked out. Ray had thrown a metal object at her. He called the cops and they came and arrested her. They then left because we had everything under control.

"Ray go find the girl! I'll check on Cassi!" I yelled.

"Got it," he said running off into the house.

I walked across the room to Cassi. I kneeled down next to her just as her eyes fluttered open. "What happened?" She asked sitting up. She was clutching her head.

"Caitlyn has super strength. She threw you across the room. You hit your head off the TV," I replied. I made sure to help her to her feet.

Then, Ray came back with a girl by his side. "Ok guys, this is Susanne," He said.

"What happened to you?" Cassi asked.

"Some girl was rambling about some Dark Mayhem and I heard her. I told her to keep it down and that if this guy came to Swellview you guys would stop him. Then, she kidnapped me," Susanne explained.

"Everything's ok now," Cassi said.

"Thank you Girl Danger, Kid Danger, and Captain Man," Susanne said.

"Sure kid," said Ray.

After we got her home, we all went back home. When Cassi and I reached home I noticed that the door was unlocked, it was pitch black, and there was a girl in the middle of the living room. I didn't turn the light on at first.

"Who are you?" Cassi asked.

"Cassi, it's me. I'm here to help you for a few weeks," the girl said.

Cassi and I both recognized the voice. "You're back in Swellview!" Cassi screamed.

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