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Cassi's POV:

Henry was staying the weekend and we decided to go see a broadway show together. "Which one are we seeing?" He asked me.

"Aladdin," I told him.

  "Is it good?" He asked me.

  "I have no idea. I heard it's good and it gets good reviews," I told him honestly.

We walked to the theater and sat down in some seats. We got some food and we were ready to watch the show.

We watched the show the whole time and it was amazing. At the end I turned to Henry. "Did you like it? I thought it was really good," I told him smiling.

"It actually was really good, Cassi. I loved it," he replied back. "Hey, when are you coming back to Swellview?"

"Not tomorrow, but the next day. I have a showcase tomorrow and then I leave the next night. I'll see you then, okay?" I asked him smiling.

"Okay," he said also smiling.

The next day we drove him to the airport. "Enjoy the flight home. I'll be back in no time," I said hugging him.

"Well I'll see you then. Love you Cassi," he said.

"I love you too Henry," I said. We kissed and then he left to get on his plane.

Phoebe and I went back to our apartment and talked about dance. We also watched all of our dance recitals and laughed at when we were really young.

A/N: If you have any ideas for a chapter I would love to hear them!!

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