Profile of Lizzie Collins

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Cassi's POV:

Someone was shaking me awake. "Give me fifteen more minutes," I said rolling over and hiding my face in the couch cushions.

"Come on," a person's voice whispered. It was trembling. It was also that of a young boy. It was Henry.

"Henry, I'm trying to sleep its like five AM," I stated.

  "I know," he started, "but you're in danger. Maybe even both of us."

  I bolted upright at that. "Henry what did you do?" I asked. I immediately knew he had done something stupid. Any time he had done something stupid it put both of us or one of us in danger.

  "Lizzie was 'locked out' of her house and I let her stay the night," he said. "I have a hunch of something. I can't confirm it, but I think it's true."


"Well, I think she might be involved with Dark Mayhem."

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's a gut feeling really," he replied.

"What room is she in?"

"The lower guest room."

"The one in the basement?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's the guests room I mean," he replied.

I got up from the couch and went downstairs. It was cold. Luckily, I had fallen asleep in the clothes I wore the day before because the outfit was a long sleeve black-and-white striped shirt with a pair of black leggings.

  Eventually, I got to the guest room. I was sure Henry was just being paranoid with the Dark Mayhem thing, but might as well check it out.

  I walked in to notice Lizzie sitting on her bed talking into a laptop. "Everything is under control here," she whispered. I immediately ducked and hid behind the bed.

  I glanced above the bed to see who she was talking too. I got a glimpse, but I couldn't tell. It sounded like a robotic man voice. It sounded like Dark Mayhem, but the person could be using a voice changer. It might not be a big deal, right?

  I eventually did get a good glance at who it was. It was Dark Mayhem after all. Oh great.

  I kept my distance and hid behind the bed. I pulled my iPhone out of my back pocket and texted Henry. "Don't be alarmed. I'm ok, but she is in with Dark Mayhem. She doesn't know I'm here yet," I explained.

  Once she had hung up, I stepped out from my hiding place. She looked at me weirdly. Then she smirked. "Well, well if it isn't little Miss Thunderman," she said.

  "And who are you to be exact?" I asked. I was ready to use my powers if I needed too.

"My name is Serenity Amelia Henderson. I am a follower of Dark Mayhem. And you are Cassidy Elise Thunderman. Dark Mayhem has told me a lot about you and your family," she said.

"And he hasn't sent anyone there?" I asked. I didn't want my family to get hurt, but I thought, for sure, that he would send someone to kill my parents before me.

"Not yet. I'm not here to kill you by the way," Serenity explained. "I was sent here to kill your boyfriend and then take you in to Dark Mayhem."

"You're not killing me?" I asked confused.

"No," she replied.

"You can't kill Henry!" I burst out. That was really random, but it was relevant to what she said a few minutes ago.

At that moment, Henry ran in. "What's going on in here?" He asked.

"It's nothing," I said while glaring at Serenity.

"Oh fun, you get to see your boyfriend die right in front of your eyes," she said. She cracked her neck and walked over to Henry. "Ready to die Henry Hart?" She asked.

Serenity threw the first punch, but Henry dodged it with his hyper motility. I hated the picture and all I could do was stare at it.

At one point I couldn't take it any more. I tackled Serenity and we started struggling. She eventually got me off her and pushed me aside. Thank goodness we hadn't woken up Piper.

Serenity kicked me in the nose causing a nose bleed. Why I hadn't used any of my powers by now, I didn't know.

Luckily, we called Ray and he showed up as Captain Man. He fought her for a little bit then we called the cops. The cops came and took her away. After she was gone, I immediately got a kleenex.

My nose was gushing at this point. I made sure to get the blood off the floor before leaving the room. At this point it was 7:00 AM. It had been two hours since I woke up.

  Ray left and I made Henry make breakfast since my nose was still bleeding. His parents weren't home. They had some convention they had to go to. They left Henry, Piper, and I home alone and made sure our neighbor checked up on us every other day.

The neighbor was checking up on us today and she came at that time. She knocked on the door. "I'll get it," I said walking over to the door.

I walked over to the door and opened it. "Hello Cassi," the neighbor, Valerie Smith, said.

"Hello Mrs. Smith," I said pleasantly. "Come in."

Valerie walked in and I gestured her to the couch. She then noticed the blood. "Are you ok?" She asked immediately after she had noticed it.

"Yeah, I got hit in the nose, but I'm ok now," I replied.

  "You guys need anything over here?" She asked.

  "No, we're good," Henry said from the kitchen.

  "Oh Henry, I didn't see you there," Mrs. Smith said. She was smiling brightly. She was always happy. She was maybe too happy.

  "Well, I'm here," Henry replied back. I mean he lived here, so why wouldn't he be. It was his house. I just lived here because his parents were nice people and took me in. My home was hidden ville technically.

  Mrs. Smith then pursed her lips and stood up. She walked over to the door and I followed her. "Mrs. Smith, are you leaving already? You just got here," I said. It was true.

  Mrs.  Smith smiled even brighter as she stood near the door. Why? She was standing near a closed door with no one outside it.

  All of a sudden, she opened the door and spoke, "I want you to meet my niece. She's about your age. Her name is Courtney," Mrs. Smith said happily.

  Did she just say her name was Courtney. No, it couldn't be. I was just being paranoid. I looked over at Henry, who didn't think anything of it. My suspicions were confirmed, though.

  Courtney Sham walked right through the doorway of the house.

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