A Day at the Amusement Park

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Cassi's POV:

So the next day we went to an Amusement Park. My mom didn't exactly want to ride anything and go in the first place, but she did come. She said she'd stay back on the roller coasters with Chloe.

  Henry and I were walking with Phoebe and Link. "So how long have you two been together?" Link asked Henry and I.

  "A year or so," Henry replied.

  "Us too," Link told us. "And Phoebe is the absolute best."

  "Aww," I said smiling. "Well Phoebe cares about you a lot."

  "Break it up you happy couples. At least you were able to bring your boyfriends. My girlfriends out of town," Max said starting to walk next to us.

  "But your crazy friends are here," Phoebe said rolling her eyes. "Even Wolfgang, who can't even speak English that well."

  "Yeah, he's been trying to talk to me since he got in the car for us to drive him here. I haven't understood a word he's said," I said shrugging.

  "Guten Morgen," Wolfgang said walking up to me.

  "Okay, I know that," I said. "That's good morning." I didn't exactly respond as I wasn't good at German at all. He walked over towards Max anyways.

  We got to our first ride and got in line. Phoebe and I sat on the railings waiting to move up in the line.

  For dinner we went to a stand in the Park and got pizza. We also got souvenir cups to fill up through the remainder of our day there.

  We later got ice cream and that's how we ended the night. When we got back to the house Phoebe informed us that Cherry was staying over. None of us minded that much. Except for Max who was mad because he was also having his friends over. They would all fight for the TV.

  Luckily, I had brought my laptops and could watch really any show since I had Netflix and the many websites where I could watch shows.

  While Phoebe and Max were fighting over the television, I put my earbuds in, laid down and watched "Riverdale."

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