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Julianna's POV:

We were at the scene and sooner rather than later Kid Danger and Girl Danger showed up with Captain Man. "Grab one of them," Blair whispered to me. I stayed rooted to my spot and didn't move.

"Wait, can't we talk this out?" I asked, looking at everyone. Everyone nodded besides Blair. I didn't care. "Henry, Cassidy," I said, looking at the two sidekicks in front of me.

"How do you know us?" Henry asked, raising an eyebrow. He had a puzzled expression on his face.

"Blue Pyro told me your names. I also know you," I replied. I pulled my mask off and let my hair down. I looked at them. "It's me, Julianna."

The two gasped in shock, before taking their own masks off. Surprisingly, they walked over to me. "You're her sidekick?" Cassi asked me.

"Yeah, I am. I completely understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore. I was going to go along with her plan and take you two hostage. I couldn't do it, though. I just couldn't!" I yelled.

"You! I can't believe you just did that!" Blair yelled at me. "How dare you?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna do this anymore! I can't!" I yelled back. "I quit. And I can't take living here! I know I just moved here, but I moved here to work for you. I'm moving back to my old hometown. I'll be happier there." Yes I lied. I hadn't found a job here. I had a job and I just made my move here for that reason. My mom was fine with that. I knew she wouldn't mind moving back, though. She hated Swellview and loved Orlando. She had been wanting to move back. Well, now she could.

   A few weeks passed and I finally went back to Florida. I couldn't take living in Swellview anymore. I didn't break up with Riley. His parents were moving and they agreed to move to Orlando. We would be together and I wouldn't have to deal with hurting people anymore.

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